AIA and SCS Annual Meeting

Activity: Organising and attending an event Organising and contributing to an event Academic


Lidewijde de Jong and I organised and chaired a session at the AIA and SCS Annual Meeting 2015 in New Orleans on the topic of 'Burial and Commemoration in the Roman Provinces'. The session included the following papers: (1) Image, Monument and Memory: Remembering the Dead in Roman Spain, by Jonathan Edmondson, York University, (2) Death and Burial in Roman Patras, by Tamara Dijkstra, University of Groningen, (3) Jewelry for the dead in Roman Palmyra, by Andrea Raat, Munich Graduate School for Ancient Studies (Munich, Germany), (4) Mortuary Customs and Memory in Roman Pisidia, by Bilge Hürmüzlü, Süleyman Demirel University, and Lidewijde de Jong, University of Groningen, (5) Epitaphs and Social History in Salona (First – Sixth century C.E.), by Dora Ivanisevic, Central European University (Budapest-Hungary), and (6) Tombs, Burials, and Commemoration in Corinth's Northern Cemetery, by Kathleen Warner Slane, University of Missouri.
Event typeConference
LocationNew Orleans, United StatesShow on map