Exploring the relationship between the informal carer role and their subjective experience of the capability to be mobile

  • Tom Lowe (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk and presentationAcademic presentationAcademic


    Continued population ageing means more individuals may develop neurodegenerative conditions, which require care. Unless formal care matches the growing need for care in the future, informal carers will continue to play avital role. However, what the carer role means to the carer themselves and their mobility remains underexplored. This article applies Butler’s notion of performativity to the carer role and considers its role in the carers’ capability to be mobile. Using telephonic interviews and graphic elicitation with 17 informal carers across England, our preliminary findings suggest that there are a plethora of ways in which the capability to be mobile can be subjectively experienced. For example, feelings of guilt, resentment, lack of caring support and normalisation of the responsibilities a carer holds, play important roles in how the capability to be mobile is experienced. Instead of simply affirming or denying the capability, we suggest a caveat is needed when discussing a carer’s capability. This
    emphasises the importance of delving deeper into the capability approach and the interdependence between the various capabilities of the carer. For example, the capability to go on holiday may intercept with capabilities to be independent, to plan, to not feel guilty for taking a holiday and so on. This study highlights how a greater awareness of the intricacies of carer mobility may help carers receive the support they need to realise the mobility they desire.
    Event titleMICRA PhD conference 2022
    Event typeConference
    LocationManchester, United KingdomShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionRegional