Improving resilience of athletes: New technologies and the role of the sport psychologist

Activity: Talk and presentationProfessional or public presentationProfessional


In sports, the role of technology and "data -driven guidance" ir rapidly expanding. The possibilities to regularly measure physiological, psychological, and performance data are increasingly available. At the same time, researchers are developing methods to rapidly analyze and visualize such measures for athletes and coaches. What is the role of the sport psychologist in this development? And how can the sport psychologist make use of the psychological and performance data in their daily work with athletes?In this webinar we will work on the questions posed above. The project about "resilience in sports" ( will be used as the central case. This project is led by dr. Ruud den Hartigh and is financed by the program SPort & Exercise (ZonMw). Within this project dthe psychological and physiological resilience of athletes is measured on a daily basis. Subsequently, these measures are automatically transferred to, and analyzed at, an online platform, and visualized for practitioners through a dashboard.
Held atVereniging voor SportPsychologie in Nederland (VSPN), Netherlands
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • personalized interventions
  • data science
  • better performance
  • soccer