Necropoleis Research Network Meeting 2022

Activity: Organising and attending an event Organising and contributing to an event Academic


The Necropoleis Research Network aims to bring together people working on any aspect of mortuary archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East between the Dark Ages and the Late Roman periods (all loosely defined). Although mortuary remains –arguably– represent one of the most dominant categories of evidence for this period/region, we feel that its scholars are widely scattered, not only geographically, but also in terms of methodological and theoretical approach. We believe that we can benefit greatly from closer collaboration. This network, thus, is primarily intended to facilitate an exchange of ideas and methodological best practices between practitioners working in different contexts (Heritage Departments, Archaeological Service, Universities, Research Centres, musea).
Although the Network includes scholars who come from different backgrounds and adopt different approaches, we all share some general interests:
- the use of archaeological theory, and an interest in the social and cultural significance of mortuary practices
- the integration of different types of evidence (archaeological, historical, epigraphic, osteoarchaeological)
- the contextual analysis of different aspects of mortuary practices
- a desire to promote the study of human remains and the application of scientific applications on archaeological materials.
The Network organizes an annual meeting which rotates between Universities and Research Institutes in different countries. The aim of these meetings is to present work in progress, but also to explore specific themes, which will be selected by the local organizing group.
The following annual meetings have been held:
• The 1st meeting (at which the Network was established) took place in Groningen in 2016.
• The 2nd meeting took place in Isparta,Turkey in 2017.
• The 3rd meeting took place in Beirut, Lebanon in 2018.
• The 4th meeting took place in Berlin, Germany in 2019.
• The 5th meeting was scheduled to take pale in Athens in 2020, but has been deferred to 2022, because of the pandemic.
• The 6th meeting will be held in Tirana, Albania in 2023
• The 7th meeting will be held in Israel in 2024.

Basic principles of meetings:
- Speakers cover their costs.
- The local organizing group attempts to find one (or more) host organization(s) which can help us finding a venue, and contributes with e.g. coffee/tea breaks, a reception, and /or accommodation for speakers. These contributions vary from meeting to meeting, and are to the discretion of the host institutions.
- The local organizing group thinks of the overall structure, themes and sessions, but informs the NRN Board.
- We try to address local issues as well as general themes.
- We try to provide an opportunity for local and international scholars to mingle and exchange views.
- The meetings are not published.

NRN Board (Sofia Voutsaki, Bilge Hürmüzlü, Lidewijde de Jong, Yasar Ersoy, Ute Kelp, Nikolas Dimakis, Tamara Dijkstra)

See also:

Event typeConference
Conference number2022
LocationAthens, GreeceShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • necropoleis
  • Mortuary Archaeology
  • mortuary studies
  • ancient world
  • ancient Mediterranean
  • Greek archaeology
  • archaeology of Greece
  • roman archaeology
  • Roman archaeology
  • bioarchaeology
  • osteoarchaeology
  • archaeological science
  • cremation