Activity: Visiting an external institution › Academic
This course will be dealing with various kinds of material culture as sources for knowledge and research. A basic premise is that material sources are of the same level of relevance as other kinds of sources, like written sources. As with all kinds of sources the reliability of elements of material culture is a fascinating topic that will be discussed. Various kinds of material sources will be discussed and analysed, varying from images to archaeological remains, and from liturgical objects to architecture. Material in Utrecht will be visited and discussed and confronted with scholarly interpretations of material elsewhere, for example in Rome. Five sessions (11.00-15.00 h): 1, 8 and 15 December 2017, further dates in January 2018 to be announced. Lecturers: Prof. Lex Bosman/UvA , Dr. Andrew Irving/RUG and Dr. Martine Meuwese/UU