Study Day: Römisches Griechenland, 2. Jh. v. Chr.-2. Jh. n. Chr.

Activity: Talk and presentationAcademic presentationAcademic


This Study Day brought together young scholars from Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland working on the history and archaeology of Greece during the Roman period. My contribution to the Study Day was a talk entitled 'Philopappos; tomb: a case of strategic self-representation'. in which I showed how the tomb of Philopappos served not only as the final resting place of an elite Athenian citizen, but also served as a lasting testament to his multicultural identity. The tomb monument is highly eclectic in style, decoration, and inscriptions. I discussed how all these different elements sent different messages, and were aimed at different audiences, but together they served the same goal of portraying Philopappos as the ultimate cosmopolitan.
Event titleStudy Day: Römisches Griechenland, 2. Jh. v. Chr.-2. Jh. n. Chr.
Event typeWorkshop
LocationFrankfurt, GermanyShow on map