I presented the paper titled "Spatial Microsimulation Modelling of Electric Vehicle Adoption in the Netherlands" at the conference.Abstract: Global climate change and energy crisis underscore the pressing need of studying the development and diffusion of renewable energy tech-nologies. However, conducting research and analysis in this emerging mar-ket is challenging due to the scarcity of microdata. Meanwhile, convention-al top-bottom models of technology diffusion often overlook the critical role of social interaction in disseminating information and influencing cus-tomer adoption of renewable energy products. To address this issue, this study presents a bottom-up modelling technique for examining the spatial distribution of electric vehicle adoption in the Netherlands. We employ a spatial microsimulation mode to integrate district-level demographic and socioeconomic data from census records with microdata from the Dutch Na-tional Travel Survey. This model utilizes the interactive proportional fitting algorithm to reweigh the survey records, aligning them with the district characteristics of the Netherlands. The results reveal significant district-level variations in electric vehicle adoption, highlighting spatial heteroge-neity across the country. Finally, we highlight the potential of utilizing the output from spatial microsimulation models as valuable input data for spa-tial econometric models and agent-based models.
Period | 20-Jun-2023 → 23-Jun-2023 |
Event title | The 18th International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM) |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Montreal, CanadaShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | International |
- Spatial microsimulation
- Energy transition
- Electric vehicles