The Multiple Roles of Rome in Her Colonies

Activity: Talk and presentationAcademic presentationAcademic


Between Polis and Colonia: Mortuary Practices in the Province of Achaea. The specific questions that are addressed in this talk are ‘How was Rome important in the colonies of Greece? Is there evidence for an active engagement with Rome, or is Rome merely a reality in the background? What light can funerary material shed on this question?’ Roman colonization in Greece brought significant changes to the colonized cities. The question how the local population dealt with these interferences by Rome is a pressing one. This presentation aimes to show how the inhabitants of the Greek colonies, with a focus on Patras, used their tombs and funerary rituals to address the problems of forcefully being incorporated into the Roman Empire.
Event titleThe Multiple Roles of Rome in Her Colonies: Mini-conference at the occasion of the defense of the dissertation of Marleen Termeer "Latin colonization in Italy before the end of the Second Punic War: Colonial communities and cultural change"
Event typeConference
LocationGroningenShow on map