DISCLOSE Newsletter

Press/Media: ResearchProfessional


DISCLOSE is an acronym for DIstribution, StruCture and functioning of LOw-resilience benthic communities and habitats of the Dutch North SEa; a four-year research project wrapping up in March 2020. DISCLOSE aims to map the habitats of the Dutch North Sea using a combination of techniques. The project – a collaboration between the Delft University of Technology, the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), the University of Groningen, and the North Sea Foundation – is funded by the Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds.

Period1-Apr-2018 → 1-Jan-2021

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleNew: Habitat maps in greater detail
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletDISCLOSE Newsletter 7
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/SizePages 1-8
    DescriptionIn this newsletter:
    •Habitat maps based on biological data
    • Advise:Include a no fishing zone in the southern North Sea
    • Waddenmozaïek copies DISCLOSE-methods in the Wadden Sea
    • Northern North Sea sampled at last
    • Webinar DISCLOSE for input in future monitoring programs
    Producer/AuthorNorth Sea Foundation - Addo van der Eijk
    PersonsKarin van der Reijden, Oscar Franken
  • TitleBenthic nature of the North Sea mapped in detail
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletDISCLOSE Newsletter 6
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/SizePages 1-8
    DescriptionIn this newsletter:
    • DISCLOSE combines three measuring methods into one improved habitat map
    • Nature in the North Sea requires collaboration
    • Analysis of 4807 benthic organisms from the Brown Bank
    • Result: small sand ripples in acoustic data
    • Coupling remediation measures and solid research
    • Monitoring the North Sea floor at the small scale
    Producer/AuthorNorth Sea Foundation - Addo van der Eijk
    PersonsHan Olff
  • TitleDISCLOSE symposium - monitoring and protecting the North Sea seafloor: ‘Actively listening to science’
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletDISCLOSE Newsletter 5 - Special edition
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/SizePages 1-8
    DescriptionThe monitoring and protection of the North Sea seafloor is central to the DISCLOSE symposium held on November 6th 2019. Over a hundred attendees gathered in Utrecht. The list of speakers promises an inspiring day of science-based policy, mapping the seafloor and the challenges to, not just nominally, protect the seafloor.
    Producer/AuthorNorth Sea Foundation - Addo van der Eijk
    PersonsKarin van der Reijden, Han Olff
  • TitleThe last DISCLOSE cruise
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletDISCLOSE Newsletter 4
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/SizePages 1-8
    DescriptionIn this newsletter:
    • Science and nature conservation join forces
    • Expedition to sand-worm reefs
    • Calibrating multibeam backscatter
    • Higher Vocational Education program Ocean Technology lends a hand
    • Looking for links between the seabed and its marine life
    Producer/AuthorNorth Sea Foundation - Addo van der Eijk
    PersonsKarin van der Reijden
  • Title12 June 2019: DISCLOSE symposium in Utrecht
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletDISCLOSE Newsletter 3
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/SizePages 1-8
    DescriptionIn this newsletter:
    • The first five DISCLOSE papers
    • Identifying fisheries hotspots
    • Reaction of fisheries to fisheries hotspots study
    • Where do benthic organisms live near sand waves?
    Producer/AuthorNorth Sea Foundation - Addo van der Eijk
    PersonsKarin van der Reijden, Han Olff
  • TitleMapping habitats of the North Sea
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletDISCLOSE Newsletter 2
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/SizePages 1-8
    DescriptionIn this newsletter:
    • Tracking down nature hotspots: changes in the underwater landscape
    • Filming the seabed with Bruce from Finding Nemo
    • DISCLOSE contributes to a better picture
    • Prize won: ultramodern echo sounder
    Producer/AuthorNorth Sea Foundation - Addo van der Eij
    PersonsKarin van der Reijden, Han Olff
  • TitleMapping seabed habitats
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletDISCLOSE Newsletter 1
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/SizePages 1- 8
    DescriptionIn this newsletter:
    • Discovery: Ross worm reefs at the Brown Bank
    • Three North Sea expeditions
    • Six measurement methods explained
    • Habitat mapping with acoustics
    • Why we need improved habitat mapping
    Producer/AuthorNorth Sea Foundation - Addo van der Eijk
    PersonsKarin van der Reijden