How values, beliefs, and norms influence circular consumption and citizenship behaviours: initial findings

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    Media contributions

    • TitleHow values, beliefs, and norms influence circular consumption and citizenship behaviours: initial findings
      Media name/outletCircEUlar website
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionCommunication of recent research findings regarding circular citizenship and consumpion behaviours
      PersonsIsabel Pacheco
    • TitleWhat makes people more likely to engage in circular behaviour?
      Media name/outletLinkedIn
      Media typeWeb
      DescriptionA pilot study conducted by Rijksuniversiteit Groningen researchers Linda Steg, Ellen van der Werff, and Isabel Pacheco shows that if people think that Hashtag#CircularBehaviour is the right thing to do and that they feel it is an effective way to get closer to achieving a Hashtag#CircularEconomy, they are more likely to behave in more Hashtag#circular ways themselves.

      The study examined behaviours including:
      🚘 not owning a car and using Hashtag#CarSharing
      🏠 living in a smaller house and sharing living spaces and facilities
      🗳️ voting for parties that want more progress toward a circular economy
      🛍️ participating in business design processes to create better circular products and services
      💬 talking to friends and family to spread knowledge and awareness about the circular economy and motivate them to contribute to a circular economy.
      PersonsIsabel Pacheco