Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Medicamento para restaurar memorias perdidas Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Espacio Misterio Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 31/03/2023 Description Un medicamento para tratar el asma resulta útil para activar la memoria y recuperar recuerdos. Los resultados de laboratorio son sorprendentes. Producer/Author Juan José Sánchez-Oro URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title “Magic” drug restores lost memories and unlocks hidden knowledge Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Techno Today News Media type Web Country/Territory Canada Date 11/02/2023 Description An FDA-approved asthma drug some are calling “magic” has demonstrated the ability to restore lost memories and reveal previously hidden knowledge.
Similar recovery of seemingly inaccessible memories has also been demonstrated with optogenetic therapy, but the relatively safe drug is non-invasive and just as successful. If this novel approach proves effective, it could offer a new glimmer of hope to millions of people suffering from diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s, or simply help everyday people remember important elements of their lives that have been lost over time are.Producer/Author Denny Cooper URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title “Magic” Drug restores lost memories and unleashes hidden knowledge Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Canada Today Media type Web Country/Territory Canada Date 11/02/2023 Description An FDA-approved asthma drug some are calling “magic” has demonstrated the ability to restore lost memories and reveal previously hidden knowledge.
Similar recovery of seemingly inaccessible memories has also been demonstrated with optogenetic therapy, but the relatively safe drug is non-invasive and just as successful. If this novel approach proves effective, it could offer a new glimmer of hope to millions of people suffering from diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s, or simply help everyday people remember important elements of their lives that have been lost over time are.Producer/Author Mason Regan URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering “Hidden Knowledge” – How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories Media name/outlet FocusTechnica Media type Other Date 10/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering “Hidden Knowledge” – How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories Media name/outlet PublicNewsTime Media type Other Date 10/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering "Hidden Knowledge" – How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories Media name/outlet Knowledia Media type Other Date 10/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering Hidden Information About How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories Media name/outlet List 23 Media type Other Date 10/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering “Hidden Knowledge” – How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories Media name/outlet SciTechDaily Media type Other Date 09/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering “Hidden Knowledge” – How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories Media name/outlet Quick Telecast Media type Other Date 09/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering “Hidden Knowledge” – How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories Media name/outlet Sky News Media type Other Date 09/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering “Hidden Knowledge” – How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories Media name/outlet Quick Telecast Media type Other Date 09/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Recovering “Hidden Knowledge” – How an Asthma Medication Could Restore Memories - NEWS BRIG Media name/outlet newsbrig Media type Other Date 09/02/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Asthma drug helps mice retrieve memories “lost” to sleep deprivation Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Scientist Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 24/01/2023 Description Sleep deprivation–induced amnesia is a kind of retrograde amnesia where exhaustion causes us to forget information—a phenomenon those who have pulled an all-nighter before an important exam are all too familiar with. But the memories themselves aren’t truly lost, and a drug that’s already approved for use in people can bring them back, a mouse study published December 27 in Current Biology demonstrates—a finding which the study’s authors say may apply to other forms of memory loss. Producer/Author Zunnash Khan URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Memories “lost” during sleep deprivation can be recalled Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Technology Networks Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 21/01/2023 Description New research from the University of Groningen, published in Current Biology, has illustrated that memories made while sleep-deprived aren’t lost for good, they’re just more difficult to recall. Producer/Author Katie Brighton URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Astmamedicijn helpt ook tegen geheugenverlies. Nou ja, bij muizen dan, ontdekt deze wetenschapper uit Groningen. Maar helpt het ook tegen alzheimer? Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet Leeuwarder Courant Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 20/01/2023 Description Een medicijn tegen astma helpt mogelijk ook tegen geheugenproblemen. Neurowetenschapper Robbert Havekes van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ontdekte dat het geneesmiddel werkt bij muizen met geheugenverlies door slaaptekort. Producer/Author Frank von Hebel URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Astmamedicijn helpt ook tegen geheugenverlies. Nou ja, bij muizen dan, ontdekt deze wetenschapper uit Groningen. Maar helpt het ook tegen alzheimer? Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet Dagblad van het Noorden Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 20/01/2023 Description Een medicijn tegen astma helpt mogelijk ook tegen geheugenproblemen. Neurowetenschapper Robbert Havekes van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ontdekte dat het geneesmiddel werkt bij muizen met geheugenverlies door slaaptekort. Producer/Author Frank von Hebel URL Frank von Hebel Persons Robbert Havekes Title Hirnforschung: Medikament bringt vergessene Erinnerungen wieder zurück Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Heise online Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 19/01/2023 Description Bei Labormäusen gelang es niederländischen Forschenden, durch Schlafmangel hervorgerufenen Gedächtnisverlust zu kompensieren. Producer/Author Gregor Honsel URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title A drug for bronchitis, COPD may help access memories after sleep deprivation Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Medical News Today Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 16/01/2023 Description .... Specifically, researchers from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands looked at the possibility that the drug roflumilast, already licensed to treat chronic bronchitis and COPD, could help retrieve memories lost due to sleep loss. ....... Producer/Author Hannah Flynn URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Medicamento para asma pode recuperar memória, diz pesquisa Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Portal do Zacarias Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 16/01/2023 Description Um estudo holandês mostrou que um medicamento utilizado contra a asma pode combater a amnésia causada pela privação do sono.
A pesquisa, publicada na revista Current Biology, foi comandada por Robbert Havekes, professor de Neurociência da Memória e do Sono da Universidade de Groningen, na Holanda, e mostrou que o uso de abordagens optogentéticas e a medicação roflumilaste permitiu acessar novamente o “conhecimento esquecido” de cobaias em privação de sono.URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Cómo recuperar esa información 'oculta' tras una noche de estudio Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet El Debate Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 15/01/2023 Description El roflumilast, un medicamento para el EPOC, devuelve esos recuerdos olvidados en ratones. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Onderzoekers herstellen met behulp van bekend astmamedicijn ‘verloren’ herinneringen bij muizen Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Scientias Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 13/01/2023 Description Het suggereert voorzichtig dat het misschien mogelijk is om ook de herinneringen van mensen met beginnende Alzheimer weer toegankelijk te maken. Producer/Author Vivian Lammerse URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Acest medicament pare să recupereze amintirile pierdute: A fost testat cu succes pe șoareci Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet ZUGO Media type Web Country/Territory Romania Date 12/01/2023 Description Un nou studiu pe șoareci sugerează că amintirile „uitate” pot fi recuperate câteva zile mai târziu, prin activarea anumitor celule ale creierului sau cu un medicament utilizat de obicei la oameni pentru a trata bolile pulmonare obstructive cronice (BPOC), care afectează plămânii și căile respiratorii, inclusiv emfizem, bronșită cronică și astm, scrie Playtech. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Acest medicament pare să recupereze amintirile pierdute: a fost testat cu succes pe șoareci Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Playtech Media type Web Country/Territory Romania Date 12/01/2023 Description Un nou studiu pe șoareci sugerează că amintirile „uitate” pot fi recuperate câteva zile mai târziu, prin activarea anumitor celule ale creierului sau cu un medicament utilizat de obicei la oameni pentru a trata bolile pulmonare obstructive cronice (BPOC), care afectează plămânii și căile respiratorii, inclusiv emfizem, bronșită cronică și astm. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Un medicament ar putea restabili amintirile pierdute după o noapte de „tocit” Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Descoperă Media type Web Country/Territory Romania Date 12/01/2023 Description Uneori, elevii și studenții își petrec toată noaptea învățând pentru examene, deși cercetările arată că privarea de somn dăunează memoriei. Neurocercetătorul Robbert Havekes, de la Universitatea din Groningen, din Țările de Jos, arată cum un medicament readuce amintirile pierdute din nopțile nedormite. Producer/Author Ștefan Trepăduș URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title This prescription drug appears to recover lost memories in mice Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Free Republic Media type Blog Country/Territory United States Date 12/01/2023 Description A name on the tip of your tongue. That fuzzy feeling when the fact you learned just yesterday has floated out of reach. Recalling memories and tidbits of information can be exasperating at the best of times, and even harder when you're sleep deprived.
But what if there was a way to reverse that sleep-deprived amnesia and retrieve those flimsy memories?
A new study in mice suggests that 'forgotten' memories can be recovered days later, by activating select brain cells or with a drug typically used in humans to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a group of diseases affecting the lungs and airways, including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma.Producer/Author Red Badger URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Este medicamento recetado parece recuperar recuerdos perdidos en ratones | Heaven32 Media name/outlet Heaven32 Country/Territory Spain Date 11/01/2023 Description Un nombre en la punta de la lengua. Ese sentimiento confuso cuando el hecho que aprendiste ayer se ha ido fuera de tu alcance. Recordar recuerdos y fragmentos de información puede ser exasperante en el mejor de los casos, y aún más difícil cuando estás privado de sueño. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Este medicamento recetado parece recuperar recuerdos perdidos en ratones | ScienceAlert Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet NotiUlti - noticias ultimas Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 11/01/2023 Description Un nombre en la punta de la lengua. Ese sentimiento confuso cuando el hecho que aprendiste ayer se ha ido fuera de tu alcance. Recordar recuerdos y fragmentos de información puede ser exasperante en el mejor de los casos, y aún más difícil cuando estás privado de sueño. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title This prescription drug appears to restore lost memories in mice | ScienceAlert Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet NewsBeezer Media type Web Country/Territory South Africa Date 11/01/2023 Description A name on the tip of the tongue. That fuzzy feeling when the fact you learned just yesterday floats out of reach. Retrieving memories and information can be annoying at the best of times, and even harder when you’re sleep deprived. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title This prescription drug appears to restore lost memories in mice | ScienceAlert Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Health Care Today! Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 11/01/2023 Description A name on the tip of your tongue. That vague feeling when the facts you learned yesterday float out of reach. Recalling memories and tidbits can be frustrating at the best of times, but it’s even harder when you’re sleep-deprived.
But what if there was a way to reverse that sleep-deprived amnesia and regain those flimsy memories?URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title This prescription drug appears to restore lost memories in mice | ScienceAlert Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Quick Telecast Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 11/01/2023 Description A name on the tip of your tongue. That fuzzy feeling when the fact you learned just yesterday has floated out of reach. Recalling memories and tidbits of information can be exasperating at the best of times, and even harder when you’re sleep deprived.
But what if there was a way to reverse that sleep-deprived amnesia and retrieve those flimsy memories?Producer/Author David Morgan URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Ce médicament sur ordonnance semble récupérer des souvenirs perdus chez les souris | ScienceAlert Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Posts US News FR Media type Web Country/Territory France Date 11/01/2023 Description Un nom sur le bout de la langue. Ce sentiment flou lorsque le fait que vous avez appris hier est devenu hors de portée. Se rappeler des souvenirs et des bribes d’informations peut être exaspérant dans le meilleur des cas, et encore plus difficile lorsque vous manquez de sommeil.
Mais que se passerait-il s’il y avait un moyen d’invProducer/Author Maddison URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Ce médicament contre l’asthme pourrait résoudre le problème de perte de mémoire, a fonctionné sur des souris Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Posts US News FR Media type Web Country/Territory France Date 11/01/2023 Description La civilisation moderne est connue pour son problème répandu de privation de sommeil, qui affecte les personnes de tous âges et a une influence négative sur le corps et le cerveau. L’esprit humain a tendance à oublier lorsqu’il est privé de sommeil, ce qui rend difficile la mémorisation de certains détails. Le problème a maintenant une réponse beaucoup plus simple grâce à un médicament utilisé pour traiter l’asthme qui améliore également la mémoire chez les personnes. Producer/Author Maddison URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title This prescription drug appears to restore shed memory in mice | ScienceAlert Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Archynetys Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 11/01/2023 Description A name on the suggestion of your tongue. That vague feeling when the details you learned yesterday float out of access. Recalling reminiscences and tidbits can be disheartening at the most effective of times, but it really is even tougher when you might be snooze-deprived.
But what if there was a way to reverse that rest-deprived amnesia and get back those flimsy memoriesURL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Este medicamento para el asma podría resolver el problema de pérdida de memoria, funcionó en ratones Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet NotiUlti - noticias ultimas Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 11/01/2023 Description Medicamentos aprobados por humanos traen recuerdos “perdidos” en ratones. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Egy asztmagyógyszer lehet a kulcs ahhoz, hogy az elfeledettnek gondolt tudásra is emlékezzünk Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Qubit Media type Web Country/Territory Hungary Date 11/01/2023 Description Holland kutatók egérkísérletekkel igazolták, hogy az agyban található fényérzékeny fehérjéket termelő neuronok stimulációja fénnyel vagy roflumilast hatóanyag-tartalmú gyógyszerrel segíthet felidézni a korábban megtanult információkat még akkor is, ha a feladat végrehajtása előtt megakadályozták őket az alvásban. Igaz ugyan, hogy az alvásmegvonás következtében rosszabbul emlékeztek az egerek, így a teszteken is rosszabb eredményeket értek el, ugyanakkor a stimulációt vagy a gyógyszer beadását követően ismét birtokába kerültek a már megszerzett tudásnak, számolt be róla a Groningeni Egyetem honlapja. Producer/Author Kun Zsuzsi URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Memory loss could be fixed with roflumilast asthma drug; worked on mice Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Madhyamam Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 11/01/2023 Description The study examined whether sleep deprivation-induced forgetfulness was a direct result of information loss or merely the outcome of difficulties in information retrieval. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Estudo sugere que medicamento pode ajudar na recuperação de memórias Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Galileu Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 11/01/2023 Description Um novo estudo publicado no dia 27 de dezembro no periódico Current Biology, aponta um novo caminho para o armazenamento de informações. O estudo foi liderado pelo professor associado de Neurociência da Memória e do Sono e neurocientista Robbert Havekes e seus colegas da Universidade de Groningen, da Holanda. Eles analisaram como as informações adquiridas durante a privação de sono se comportam e se podem ser recuperadas. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Un médicament approuvé par l’homme ravive les souvenirs “perdus” chez la souris Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Trend Detail Media type Web Country/Territory France Date 11/01/2023 Description Les étudiants passent parfois une nuit blanche pour se préparer à un examen. Cependant, la recherche a montré que la privation de sommeil est mauvaise pour la mémoire. Maintenant, le neuroscientifique de l’Université de Groningue, Robbert Havekes, a découvert que ce que vous apprenez en étant privé de sommeil n’est pas nécessairement perdu, c’est juste difficile à retenir. Lui et son équipe ont trouvé un moyen de rendre cette «connaissance cachée» accessible à nouveau quelques jours après avoir étudié la privation de sommeil en utilisant des approches optogénétiques et le roflumilast, un médicament contre l’asthme approuvé par l’homme. Ces résultats ont été publiés le 27 décembre dans la revue Biologie actuelle. Producer/Author Sandra URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Un médicament approuvé par l’homme ravive des souvenirs “perdus” chez la souris Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Morocco DayFR Media type Web Country/Territory Morocco Date 11/01/2023 Description Les étudiants passent parfois toute la nuit à se préparer pour un test. Cependant, la recherche a montré que la privation de sommeil est mauvaise pour la mémoire. Maintenant, le neuroscientifique de l’Université de Groningue, Robbert Havekes, a découvert que ce que vous apprenez en vous privant de sommeil n’est pas nécessairement perdu, c’est juste difficile à retenir. Lui et son équipe ont trouvé un moyen de rendre cette “connaissance cachée” accessible à nouveau quelques jours après avoir étudié la privation de sommeil en utilisant des approches optogénétiques et le roflumilast, un médicament contre l’asthme approuvé par l’homme. Ces résultats ont été publiés le 27 décembre dans la revue biologie actuelle. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Un medicamento para el asma logra reactivar recuerdos perdidos por la falta de sueño Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet el Periódico Extremadura Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 11/01/2023 Description Un nuevo estudio ha verificado en ratones que la combinación de técnicas optogenéticas y la administración del fármaco roflumilast, utilizado para combatir el asma y otras enfermedades respiratorias, logra recuperar recuerdos perdidos por el efecto de la falta de sueño. De esta manera, la información oculta puede reactivarse y volver a estar disponible aunque hayan pasado varios días de su primera adquisición. Producer/Author Pablo Javier Piacente URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Un medicamento para el asma logra reactivar recuerdos perdidos por la falta de sueño Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Levante - El Mercantil Valenciano Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 11/01/2023 Description Un nuevo estudio ha verificado en ratones que la combinación de técnicas optogenéticas y la administración del fármaco roflumilast, utilizado para combatir el asma y otras enfermedades respiratorias, logra recuperar recuerdos perdidos por el efecto de la falta de sueño. De esta manera, la información oculta puede reactivarse y volver a estar disponible aunque hayan pasado varios días de su primera adquisición. Producer/Author Pablo Javier Piacente URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title This asthma medicine could solve memory loss problem, worked on mice Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet NDTV Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 11/01/2023 Description Neuroscientist Robbert Havekes discovered that what you learn while being sleep deprived is not necessarily lost, it is just difficult to recall. Producer/Author Nikhil Pandey URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Common prescription drug could help recover lost memories: New study Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet New York Post Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 11/01/2023 Producer/Author Jeanette Settembre URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title La perte de mémoire pourrait être résolue en utilisant un médicament contre l’asthme Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Posts US News FR Media type Web Country/Territory France Date 10/01/2023 Description Des chercheurs néerlandais, utilisant des approches optogénétiques et un médicament contre l’asthme, ont découvert que la perte de mémoire due à la privation de sommeil peut être récupérée. Producer/Author Victoria URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Human-approved medication brings back ‘lost’ memories in mice — ScienceDaily Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet News Concerns Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 10/01/2023 Description Students sometimes pull an all-nighter to prepare for an exam. However, research has shown that sleep deprivation is bad for your memory. Now, University of Groningen neuroscientist Robbert Havekes discovered that what you learn while being sleep deprived is not necessarily lost, it is just difficult to recall. Together with his team, he has found a way to make this ‘hidden knowledge’ accessible again days after studying whilst sleep-deprived using optogenetic approaches, and the human-approved asthma drug roflumilast. These findings were published on 27 December in the journal Current Biology. Producer/Author Harry Jones URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Human-approved medication brings back ‘lost’ memories in mice — ScienceDaily Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet News Continue Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 10/01/2023 Description Students sometimes pull an all-nighter to prepare for an exam. However, research has shown that sleep deprivation is bad for your memory. Now, University of Groningen neuroscientist Robbert Havekes discovered that what you learn while being sleep deprived is not necessarily lost, it is just difficult to recall. Together with his team, he has found a way to make this ‘hidden knowledge’ accessible again days after studying whilst sleep-deprived using optogenetic approaches, and the human-approved asthma drug roflumilast. These findings were published on 27 December in the journal Current Biology. Producer/Author Nathan Thomas URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Human-approved medication brings back ‘lost’ memories in mice — ScienceDaily Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Verve Times Media type Web Country/Territory India Date 10/01/2023 Description Students sometimes pull an all-nighter to prepare for an exam. However, research has shown that sleep deprivation is bad for your memory. Now, University of Groningen neuroscientist Robbert Havekes discovered that what you learn while being sleep deprived is not necessarily lost, it is just difficult to recall. Together with his team, he has found a way to make this ‘hidden knowledge’ accessible again days after studying whilst sleep-deprived using optogenetic approaches, and the human-approved asthma drug roflumilast. These findings were published on 27 December in the journal Current Biology. Producer/Author Addrew Shawn URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title "Lost" memories from sleep deprivation could be retrieved by asthma drug Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet IFL Science Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 10/01/2023 Description A study in mice has suggested these memories aren't lost, just inaccessible. Producer/Author Jack Dunhill URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Medicamento para asma pode recuperar memória, diz pesquisa Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet ISTOÉ Dinheiro Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 10/01/2023 Description Um estudo holandês mostrou que um medicamento utilizado contra a asma pode combater a amnésia causada pela privação do sono. Producer/Author Rodrigo Favoretto URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Medicamento para asma pode recuperar memória, diz pesquisa Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet MSN Brasil Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 10/01/2023 Description Um estudo holandês mostrou que um medicamento utilizado contra a asma pode combater a amnésia causada pela privação do sono. Producer/Author Rodrigo Favoretto URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title This common asthma drug could prevent forgetfulness after night of poor sleep Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet StudyFinds - Research, in a nutshell Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 10/01/2023 Description A common prescription drug for asthma and COPD may also have the ability to unlock information people have forgotten. In a study of mice, researchers from the University of Groningen found that both gene therapy and the drug roflumilast were able to improve memory in sleep-deprived animals. Producer/Author Chris Melore URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Medicines approved by humans bring back what is “lost” Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet NewsBeezer Media type Web Country/Territory Malaysia Date 10/01/2023 Description Students sometimes stay up all night preparing for an exam. However, research has shown that sleep deprivation is bad for your memory. Now, neuroscientist Robbert Havekes of the University of Groningen has discovered that what you learn during sleep deprivation is not necessarily lost, it’s just hard to retrieve. Together with his team, he has found a way to make this “hidden knowledge” accessible again days after studying under sleep deprivation using optogenetic approaches and the human-approved asthma drug roflumilast. These results were published in the journal on December 27th Current Biology. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Asthma drug helps sleep-deprived mice regain lost memories Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Technology Networks Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 10/01/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Un médicament approuvé par l’homme ramène des souvenirs “perdus” chez la souris Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Crumpe Media type Web Country/Territory France Date 10/01/2023 Description Les étudiants passent parfois une nuit blanche pour se préparer à un examen. Cependant, des recherches ont montré que la privation de sommeil est mauvaise pour la mémoire. Maintenant, le neuroscientifique de l’Université de Groningen, Robbert Havekes, a découvert que ce que vous apprenez en étant privé de sommeil n’est pas nécessairement perdu, c’est juste difficile à mémoriser. Avec son équipe, il a trouvé un moyen de rendre cette “connaissance cachée” accessible à nouveau quelques jours après avoir étudié en privant de sommeil en utilisant des approches optogénétiques et le roflumilast, un médicament contre l’asthme approuvé par l’homme. Ces résultats ont été publiés le 27 décembre dans la revue Biologie actuelle. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title 'Total recall': Scientists discover how to retrieve memories 'lost' due to lack of sleep Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Sputnik International Media type Web Country/Territory Russian Federation Date 10/01/2023 URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Gedächtnisverlust könnte mit einem Asthma-Medikament gelöst werden Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Nach Welt Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 10/01/2023 Description Niederländische Forscher entdeckten mithilfe optogenetischer Ansätze und eines Asthmamedikaments, dass Gedächtnisverlust durch Schlafentzug wiederhergestellt werden kann. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title La pérdida de memoria podría solucionarse con un medicamento para el asma Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet NotiUlti - noticias ultimas Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 10/01/2023 Description Investigadores holandeses, utilizando enfoques optogenéticos y un medicamento para el asma, descubrieron que la pérdida de memoria por falta de sueño se puede recuperar. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Fármaco aprobado por humanos revive recuerdos ‘perdidos’ en ratones Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet News ES Euro Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 10/01/2023 Description Los estudiantes a veces pasan toda la noche preparándose para un examen. Sin embargo, la investigación ha demostrado que la privación del sueño es mala para la memoria. Ahora, el neurocientífico de la Universidad de Groningen, Robbert Havekes, ha descubierto que lo que aprendes mientras te privas del sueño no necesariamente se pierde, solo es difícil de recordar. Él y su equipo encontraron una manera de hacer que este “conocimiento oculto” sea accesible nuevamente a los pocos días de estudiar la privación del sueño utilizando enfoques optogenéticos y el roflumilast, un medicamento para el asma aprobado por el hombre. Estos resultados fueron publicados el 27 de diciembre en la revista biología actual. Producer/Author Kathrine URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Remédio usado por humanos pode ajudar a recuperar memórias ‘perdidas’ Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Revista Planeta Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 10/01/2023 Description Medicamento roflumilaste conseguiu fazer com que camundongos privados de sono em laboratório se lembrassem de tarefas antes esquecidas URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title A human drug improves the recall of llost memories in mice Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Labroots Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 10/01/2023 Description Staying up all night to prepare for an exam may not be much help to students, because memory can be impaired by many things, including sleep deprivation. New research has suggested, however, that the things we learn while we're tired aren't necessarily gone forever, they're just more difficult to remember. Using a mouse model, scientists showed that knowledge that gets hidden because of sleep deprivation can be recovered several days later, especially with the help of an approved medication. This work, which used ontogenetic techniques, has been reported in Current Biology. Producer/Author Carmen Leitch URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Human-approved medication brings back 'lost' memories in mice Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Science Linx News Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 09/01/2023 Description Students sometimes pull an all-nighter to prepare for an exam. However, research has shown that sleep deprivation is bad for your memory. Now, University of Groningen neuroscientist Robbert Havekes discovered that what you learn while being sleep deprived is not necessarily lost, it is just difficult to recall. Together with his team, he has now found a way to make this ‘hidden knowledge’ accessible again days after studying whilst sleep deprived using optogenetic approaches, and the human-approved asthma drug roflumilast. These findings were published on 27 December in the journal Current Biology. Producer/Author UG Science LinX URL Persons Robbert Havekes, Youri Bolsius, Pim Heckman, Camilla Paraciani, Sophia Wilhelm, Frank Raven, Roy Meijer, Martien Kas, Steve Ramirez, Peter Meerlo Title Vom Menschen zugelassene Medikamente bringen bei Mäusen „verlorene“ Erinnerungen zurück Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Nach Welt Media type Web Country/Territory Germany Date 09/01/2023 Description Studenten machen manchmal eine ganze Nacht durch, um sich auf eine Prüfung vorzubereiten. Untersuchungen haben jedoch gezeigt, dass Schlafentzug schlecht für Ihr Gedächtnis ist. Nun entdeckte der Neurowissenschaftler Robbert Havekes von der Universität Groningen, dass das, was man unter Schlafentzug lernt, nicht unbedingt verloren geht, es ist nur schwer abzurufen. Zusammen mit seinem Team hat er einen Weg gefunden, dieses „verborgene Wissen“ Tage nach dem Lernen unter Schlafentzug mit optogenetischen Ansätzen und dem vom Menschen zugelassenen Asthmamedikament Roflumilast wieder zugänglich zu machen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden am 27. Dezember in der Zeitschrift veröffentlicht Aktuelle Biologie. URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Des médicaments approuvés par l’homme ramènent des souvenirs “perdus” chez les souris Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Posts US News FR Media type Web Country/Territory France Date 09/01/2023 Description Le roflumilast, un médicament couramment prescrit pour le traitement de la MPOC et de l’asthme, aide à retrouver des souvenirs d’apprentissage après une période de privation de sommeil chez la souris. Producer/Author Victoria URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Un médicament approuvé par l’homme ramène des souvenirs “perdus” chez la souris Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Posts US News FR Media type Web Country/Territory France Date 09/01/2023 Description Les étudiants passent parfois une nuit blanche pour se préparer à un examen. Cependant, des recherches ont montré que la privation de sommeil est mauvaise pour la mémoire. Maintenant, le neuroscientifique de l’Université de Groningen, Robbert Havekes, a découvert que ce que vous apprenez en étant privé de sommeil n’est pas nécessairement perdu, c’est juste difficile à mémoriser. Avec son équipe, il a trouvé un moyen de rendre cette “connaissance cachée” accessible à nouveau quelques jours après avoir étudié en privant de sommeil en utilisant des approches optogénétiques et le roflumilast, un médicament contre l’asthme approuvé par l’homme. Ces résultats ont été publiés le 27 décembre dans la revue Biologie actuelle. Producer/Author Maddison URL Persons Robbert Havekes Title Medicamento aprobado por humanos trae recuerdos ‘perdidos’ en ratones Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet NotiUlti - noticias ultimas Media type Web Country/Territory Spain Date 09/01/2023 Description Los estudiantes a veces pasan toda la noche en vela para prepararse para un examen. Sin embargo, la investigación ha demostrado que la privación del sueño es mala para la memoria. Ahora, el neurocientífico de la Universidad de Groningen, Robbert Havekes, descubrió que lo que aprendes mientras te privas del sueño no necesariamente se pierde, solo es difícil de recordar. Junto con su equipo, ha encontrado una manera de hacer que este “conocimiento oculto” sea accesible nuevamente días después de estudiar mientras estaba privado de sueño utilizando enfoques optogenéticos y el roflumilast, un medicamento para el asma aprobado para humanos. Estos hallazgos fueron publicados el 27 de diciembre en la revista Biología actual. URL Persons Robbert Havekes
Media contributions
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Title Waarom laat je geheugen het afweten na een nachtje weinig slapen? Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Radio 1 - Nieuwe Feiten Media type Radio Country/Territory Belgium Date 13/01/2023 Description Een nacht weinig slapen en je geheugen laat het afweten. Neurowetenschapper Robbert Havekes weet hoe dat komt en werkt aan een oplossing. Hij deed namelijk een experiment met muizen. "We hebben een vraag beantwoord die we al een lange tijd hadden", zegt Havekes. "De vraag was: als je geheugenproblemen hebt door slaaptekort, is dat dan een gevolg van informatie die verloren is gegaan in je brein, of is deze informatie wel nog aanwezig maar moeilijk op te halen?" URL Persons Robbert Havekes