Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title Interview on the achievements of the EBRA cluster on predictive model systems (PREMOS) Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet European Brain Council Media type YouTube Duration/Length/Size 26'30" Country/Territory Netherlands Date 05/10/2022 Description The European Brain Research Area (EBRA) promotes cooperation and exchange between brain research projects and networks through the formation of researchers’ clusters. This is the last year of EBRA, and to mark the end of the project, we invited cluster representatives to discuss the objectives, outcomes, and future directions of their work.
We conducted interviews with the coordinators of the following clusters: BRAINFOOD, ECIB, TRISOMY 21, PSMD, PREMOS, and EPICLUSTER. The interviews consist of a presentation of the purpose of the clusters, a description of the role of the partner involved, but also touch upon the key research and advocacy points raised during the cluster activities (messages to policy makers, needs about data-sharing, or ethical considerations, for example) and outline plans of the clusters.
This video features Sabine Hölter, Coordinator of the PREDICTIVE MODEL SYSTEMS (PREMOS) Cluster and Martien Kas, in discussion with France Nivelle of EBRAINS.Producer/Author European Brain Research Area (EBRA) URL Persons Martien Kas