Know when you know something about history

Press/Media: ResearchPopular


The inaugural issue of Historical Encounters is out, including Robert Thorp (Umea): Towards an Epistemological Theory of Historical Consciousness; Niklas Ammert (Linnaeus): What Do You Know When You Know Something About History?; and Tim Huijgen and Paul Holthuis (Groningen): Towards Bad History? A Call for the Use of Counterfactual Historical Reasoning in History Education. Studying history with hypotheticals: Cass Sunstein reviews Altered Pasts: Counterfactuals in History by Richard J. Evans. History in context: Gordon Wood on the American vision of Bernard Bailyn. Peter N. Kirstein reviews Howard Zinn: A Life on the Left by Martin Duberman and Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009, ed. Anthony Arnove. From The American Conservative, two cheers for Howard Zinn: R.J. Stove on how the radical historian was as much populist as leftist. Rick Santorum hates that history teachers heart Howard Zinn. Elizabeth Yale on the AP course controversy: When do we say “we” in history? Free American history: Scott McLemee interviews Joseph Locke and Ben Wright, editors of The American Yawp, a free history textbook published online. Vicki L. Ruiz on what graduate advisers can do to help: A historian sets a personal moratorium on taking on any new doctoral students. Is ancient history completely made up by “The Man”? Adam Weinstein investigates. Christopher Klein on 8 reasons why we forget some historical events.


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