Opening Academic Year (2020-2021)

    Press/Media: Expert CommentAcademic


    Op 31 augustus openen we het academische jaar van de faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen en de nieuwe aanbouw van het Heijmansgebouw. Presentator is alumnus David Elzinga, gasten zijn decaan Kees Aarts, architect Aron van Delft, Margrite Kalverboer, Tim Huijgen, Sofie Lorijn en Tassos Sarampalis.


    Media contributions


    Media contributions

    • TitleGMW
      Degree of recognitionNational
      Media typeYouTube
      DescriptionOpening Academic Year
      Yesterday we opened the new academic year! Host David Elzinga interviewed five different guests, including the architect of the newly built part of the Heymans building.

      Did you miss the opening? You can watch the complete live stream video here. A short video impression of the new building can be found below. Please be aware that the building is not completely decorated yet.
      PersonsTim Huijgen