Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Meet robots on a mission to help birds Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Science News Explores Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 02/11/2023 Description These gadgets were inspired by the wildlife they were designed to benefit - Air-traffic control Producer/Author Aaron Tremper URL Persons Charlotte Korinna Hemelrijk Title Falcão robótico mantém pássaros longe de aeroportos Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Reviltec Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 18/01/2023 Description Colisões com pássaros são um problema sério para aeronaves comerciais, custando bilhões de dólares à indústria e matando milhares de animais todos os anos. Novas pesquisas mostram que uma imitação robótica de um falcão peregrino pode ser uma maneira eficaz de mantê-los fora das rotas de voo. URL Persons Charlotte Korinna Hemelrijk Title New robotic falcon scares birds out of the way of planes - Making the skies even friendlier Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Goodnet | Gateway to doing good Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 11/12/2022 Description Mankind has always been interested in taking to the skies and flying as free as the birds. Now people can travel on airplanes that soar in the air, usually above the birds. But sometimes not. .Birds have been a problem for airplanes since the beginning of aviation. According to CNN, collisions between birds and airplanes kill over 10,000 birds a year and endanger airplanes. But now there is a solution. URL Persons Rolf Storms Title Cientistas criam drone em formato de falcão para afastar pássaros de aeroportos Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet IstoÉ Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 25/11/2022 Description Na Holanda, um predador robótico é projetado para ajudar a evitar colisões de aviões com pássaros. No Brasil, incidentes com animais somam mais de dois mil por ano. Producer/Author Elba Kriss URL Persons Rolf Storms Title Halcón robótico para alejar aves de los aeropuertos Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Canal 22 Media type Web Country/Territory Mexico Date 24/11/2022 Description Los impactos con aves son un grave problema para los aviones, costándole a la industria millones de dólares y muertes de miles de animales cada año.
Una nueva investigación muestra que, una imitación robótica de un halcón peregrino podría ser una forma efectiva de mantenerlos fuera de las rutas de vuelo.Producer/Author Redacción/CDMX URL Persons Charlotte Korinna Hemelrijk Title Robotic falcon keeps birds away from airports - Is its large silhouette the real scare factor? Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet IEEE Spectrum Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 06/11/2022 Description Collisions with birds are a serious problem for commercial aircraft, costing the industry billions of dollars and killing thousands of animals every year. New research shows that a robotic imitation of a peregrine falcon could be an effective way to keep them out of flight paths. Producer/Author Edd Gent URL Persons Marina Papadopoulou, Charlotte Korinna Hemelrijk, Rolf Storms Title This robotic falcon is the future of pest control Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Daily Beast Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 01/11/2022 Description A wildlife strike is when an animal (typically a bird) hits an airplane as it’s taking off, flying, or landing. (Think Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger’s “Miracle on the Hudson”) About 16,000 wildlife strikes occur each year in the U.S.—posing an abnormally large risk to pilots and passengers. While most prevention methods involve delaying takeoff or landing until bird activity dies down, it can cause disruptions to already strained flight schedules and systems. Producer/Author Tony Ho Tran URL Persons Rolf Storms Title Falkendrohne räumt das Flugfeld frei Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet c't Magazin für Computertechnik Media type Print Duration/Length/Size c’t 25/2022, p 41 Country/Territory Germany Date 01/11/2022 Description Mit der Silhouette eines Wanderfalken verjagt RobotFalcon Vögel schneller und nachhaltiger als eine simple Drohne. Bilder der Kamera am Falkenkopf zeigen den Aufruhr der aufgescheuchten Schwärme. URL Persons Charlotte Korinna Hemelrijk Title Robô voador que imita falcão é usado para espantar bandos de pássaros Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Revista Planeta Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 28/10/2022 Description Um robô voador que se assemelha a um falcão pode ser usado para espantar bandos de pássaros nos campos, tendo um desempenho melhor nessa tarefa do que um drone padrão. URL Persons Rolf Storms Title The robotic falcon designed to help prevent bird strikes Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet CNN Travel Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 27/10/2022 Description Airplanes and birds have been sharing the skies since the first ever flight back in 1903.
However, to say this has led to some issues, particularly over the last few decades, is something of an understatement.
Collisions between birds and aircraft are the cause of thousands of bird deaths every year.
Such incidents, known as bird strikes, can also result in aircraft damage, as well as delays and cancellation of flights, costing the International Civil Aviation Organization a reported $1.4 billion each year.
Airport wildlife management teams currently employ a number of deterrents, such as drones and birds of prey -- including falcons -- to try to scare birds away from the airport surroundings. However, breeding and training falcons isn't exactly cheap, and the birds can be difficult to manage.
But could a robotic peregrine falcon developed by the University of Groningen in the Netherlands be the solution?Producer/Author Tamara Hardingham-Gill URL Persons Rolf Storms, Marina Papadopoulou Title Falcão róbotico é projetado para ajudar a evitar colisões de aviões com pássaros Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet CNN Brasil Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 27/10/2022 Description Aviões e pássaros compartilham os céus desde o primeiro voo em 1903. No entanto, dizer que isso levou a alguns problemas, principalmente nas últimas décadas, é um eufemismo. Producer/Author Tamara Hardingham-Gill URL Persons Charlotte Korinna Hemelrijk Title Robot falcon better than drones at clearing flight paths Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Times Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 26/10/2022 Description A fibreglass mechanical falcon is better than drones at clearing birds from flight paths, a study has found.
The RobotFalcon, a device designed to mimic the movements of a peregrine falcon, was developed by researchers at the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, to deter flocks of birds flying round airports.Producer/Author Ali Mitib URL Persons Rolf Storms Title ‘Robo-raptor’ better than real birds of prey at protecting planes from pesky flocks Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Telegraph Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 26/10/2022 Description The RobotFalcon has been designed to resemble and mimic the movements of a peregrine falcon, the swiftest animal in the world Producer/Author Sarah Knapton URL Persons Rolf Storms Title Robotic peregrine falcon can scare birds away from crop fields Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet New Scientist Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 06/06/2022 Description A flying robot inspired by peregrine falcons offers a non-lethal method for scaring flocks of birds from crop fields Producer/Author Carissa Wong URL Persons Rolf Storms
Media contributions
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Title Flying robotic falcon scares away flocks of birds Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet New Scientist Media type YouTube Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 28/10/2022 Description A flying robot that resembles a peregrine falcon can be used to scare away flocks of birds in fields, performing better at this task than a standard drone.
RobotFalcon resembles a peregrine falcon in size, shape and colouration with a wingspan of 70 centimetres, weighs 245 grams and flies at 15 metres per second. It was created by Rolf Storms at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and colleagues. To test its efficiency, the researchers conducted trials on 54 separate flocks. RobotFalcon was able to clear all the targeted birds within 5 minutes, while a standard drone could only clear 80 per cent of the birds in 56 separate flocks over the same time period.
RobotFalcon could replace traditional bird deterrents including scarecrows, recordings of bird distress calls or lethal approaches, such as guns. However, the current prototype has a battery life of just 15 minutes and requires a human operator. In the future, the control mechanism could be automated to reduce the need for human intervention.Producer/Author New Scientist URL Persons Rolf Storms