Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Early Arctic melting famishes overwintering birds in Africa Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet New Scientist Media type Print Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 21/05/2016 Description What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic. Producer/Author Bob Holmes URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Derretimento de neve no Ártico mata aves migratórias nos trópicos Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Conexão Planeta Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 17/05/2016 Description O degelo cada vez mais precoce das neves no Ártico siberiano está matando milhares de aves na África – e possivelmente em outros lugares, como o sul do Brasil. A conexão, surpreendente, foi descoberta por um grupo internacional de biólogos. Producer/Author Claudio Angelo URL Persons Jan van Gils, Theunis Piersma Title Arctic warming shrinks birds with a price to pay in tropics Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet IFLScience! Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 15/05/2016 Description Rising arctic temperatures are causing a mismatch in migrating birds. The birds are shrinking in the heat, improving their prospects in their breeding grounds, but at least one species is paying the price when it winters in the tropics, losing one of its favorite feeds. Producer/Author Stephen Luntz URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Biegus nie sięga tam, gdzie wcześniej sięgał. To przez ocieplenie Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Nauka w Polsce Media type Web Country/Territory Poland Date 14/05/2016 Description Ocieplenie klimatu sprawia, że pewien gatunek siewki - biegus rdzawy - gorzej sobie radzi w środowisku - ma krótszy dziób i zamiast żywić się małżami, musi zadowalać się kłączami roślin. Ten zaskakujący związek pokazali naukowcy, z Polski. Producer/Author Ludwika Tomala URL,409661,biegus-nie-siega-tam-gdzie-wczesniej-siegal-to-przez-ocieplenie.html Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Zorgen over overlevingskans kanoetkuikens Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet Friesch Dagblad Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 13/05/2016 Description Omdat de poolzomers steeds vroeger beginnen, is de voedselpiek vaak al voorbij voordat kuikens worden geboren. De overlevingskans van kanoetkuikens is daardoor kleiner. Dit is een zorgelijk ecologisch effect, concludeert een groep onderzoekers uit verschillende landen. URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Derretimento de neve no Ártico mata aves migratórias nos trópicos Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Brazilian Climate Observatory Media type Web Country/Territory Brazil Date 13/05/2016 Description O degelo cada vez mais precoce das neves no Ártico siberiano está matando milhares de aves na África – e possivelmente em outros lugares, como o sul do Brasil. A conexão, surpreendente, foi descoberta por um grupo internacional de biólogos. Producer/Author Claudio Angelo URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Kleinere kanoet kan lastiger bij zijn voedsel in de tropen Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet Trouw Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 13/05/2016 Description Klimaatverandering aan de Noordpool kan een trekvogel opbreken
in de tropen. De kanoet, die in arctisch gebied ter wereld komt, blijft door een verschuiving van het seizoen wat kleiner van stuk. Dat is op de arctische toendra’s geen probleem, maar het gaat de vogel parten spelen als hij verkast naar zijn overwinteringsgebied.Producer/Author Willem Schoonen URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Shrinking shorebird struggles to survive as Arctic warms Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet E&E News - ClimateWire Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 13/05/2016 Producer/Author Gayathri Vaidyanathan URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Climate change not good for Red knots Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet ScieneBlogs Media type Blog Country/Territory United States Date 13/05/2016 Description You've heard the phrase, "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution," an insightful phrase penned in 1972 by Theodosius Dobzhansky. I would like to add a second part to that phrase, and it goes like this: "... and, nothing in evolution makes sense except in the light of co-evolution." This would hardly be an exaggeration, and it can hardly be better exemplified than with examples from migratory birds. Migratory birds have to be adapted to at least three different ecological settings. They breed in one area, migrate (and often spend considerable time) through another area, and winter in a third area. In each area they must feed and avoid predators, and in the nesting area, they must have make and protect nests, and the feeding is even more critical because they are growing their chicks. Producer/Author Greg Laden URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Warme Noordpool is probleem voor hongerige kanoet Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet NRC Handelsblad Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 13/05/2016 Description Kanoeten die als kuiken bij de Noordpool voedsel mislopen door een te warm klimaat, kunnen later in de tropen ook niet bij hun eten. Producer/Author Lucas Brouwers URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Living sentinels for climate change effects Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Science Magazine Media type Print Country/Territory United States Date 13/05/2016 Description Migrating birds affected by climate change in the Arctic may have lower survival chances in their tropical habitats. Producer/Author Martin Wikelski & Grigori Tertitski URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Climate change 'shrinking' Arctic migratory birds Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet International Business Times Media type Print Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 13/05/2016 Description Warmer temperatures in the Arctic are shrinking the size of far-flying migratory birds and weakening their struggle to survive, a study says. Producer/Author Karthick Arvinth URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Kanoet dubbel slachtoffer van klimaatverandering Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet NOS Nieuws Media type Web Country/Territory Netherlands Date 13/05/2016 Description De kanoet legt ieder jaar een imposante reis af: duizenden kilometers van het broedgebied bij de Noordpool naar Afrika, om te overwinteren. Klimaatverandering dreigt daar een eind aan te maken: de vogel wordt er dubbel door getroffen, blijkt uit Nederlands onderzoek gepubliceerd in Science. URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Earlier ice melt in the Arctic cuts survival of birds in Africa Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet New Scientist Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 12/05/2016 Description What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic. Producer/Author Bob Holmes URL Persons Jan van Gils Title Climate change could be shrinking these Arctic birds Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet the Christian Science Monitor Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 12/05/2016 Description Warming in the high Arctic may be fueling rapid evolution of red knots, according to new research. Producer/Author Joseph Dussault URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Arctic warming is shrinking this adorable shorebird Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet National Geographic Media type Print Country/Territory United States Date 12/05/2016 Producer/Author Laura Parker URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Note to shorebirds with slightly shorter bills - size matters to survival Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 12/05/2016 Producer/Author Rex Graham URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Shrinking Arctic bird suffers double hit from global warming: study Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Reuters Media type Web Country/Territory Canada Date 12/05/2016 Description Red knots, a type of bird that makes one of the longest annual migrations, are shrinking because climate change in their Arctic nesting grounds makes life harder during their winters in Africa, scientists say. Producer/Author Alister Doyle URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title How global warming in the Arctic kills birds in the tropics Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet TakePart Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 12/05/2016 Description Some birds are shrinking as the Arctic grows hotter, and it’s reducing their ability to gather food when they migrate south. Producer/Author John R. Platt URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title When the Arctic gets warmer, it also affects a tropical ecosystem thousands of miles away Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Smithsonian Magazine Media type Print Country/Territory United States Date 12/05/2016 Description As spring arrives earlier in far northern Russia, red knots get smaller—and have trouble in their African winter homes Producer/Author Sarah Zielinski URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Climate change is shrinking earth’s far-flying birds Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Atlantic Media type Web Country/Territory United States Date 12/05/2016 Description In which the red knot is the canary, and the planet is the coalmine. Producer/Author Ed Yong URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title The bodies of these shorebirds are actually shrinking, and global warming is the cause Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The Washington Post Media type Print Country/Territory United States Date 12/05/2016 Description For red knot shorebirds that nest in the Arctic and fly across the globe every year, timing is everything — a matter of life and death. Producer/Author Darryl Fears URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Shrinking shorebird pays the bill for rapid Arctic warming while wintering in the tropics Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 12/05/2016 Description Red knots migrate between their breeding grounds in the Arctic and their wintering grounds in West Africa. Chicks currently born under rapidly warming conditions attain smaller sizes before migration starts, because they miss the insect peak. If they reach their wintering grounds in the tropics, they are faced with a second disadvantage: their shorter bills cannot reach their favourite shellfish food. This results in an evolutionary force towards smaller-sized birds with large bills. URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Shrinking shorebirds pay the price for Arctic warming when they reach the tropics Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet ABC News Media type Web Country/Territory Australia Date 12/05/2016 Description Just as canaries once warned miners of the lack of oxygen, an iconic shorebird that migrates from Siberia to West Africa is sending warning signals about the impact of climate change on the planet. Producer/Author Dani Cooper URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Climate change and the case of the shrinking Red knot Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet The New York Times Media type Print Country/Territory United States Date 12/05/2016 Producer/Author Carl Zimmer URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Arctische broedsoorten kleiner door opwarming Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet National Geographic Media type Print Country/Territory Netherlands Date 05/05/2016 Producer/Author Pancras Dijk URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma
Media contributions
5Media contributions
Title De kanoet krimpt Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet BNNVARA - Vroege Vogels Media type Radio Country/Territory Netherlands Date 15/05/2016 Description De kanoet is een trekvogel die in het hoge noorden broedt, in Afrika overwintert en in onze Waddenzee bijtankt. De vogels blijken in zomer én winter de klos door de opwarming van het klimaat, waardoor ze krimpen. Letterlijk. Dat schrijven de Nederlandse bioloog Jan van Gils en collega's deze week in het coverartikel van het tijdschrift Science . URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title "Opwaarming ierde hat grutte ympakt op waadfûgel mients" Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet Omrop Fryslân Media type Television Country/Territory Netherlands Date 13/05/2016 Description De opwaarming fan de ierde hat grutte ympakt op de mients, oftewol de kanoet. Dat docht bliken út ûndersyk. De waadfûgel wurdt lytser en hjirtroch is it bist ekstra kwetsber. It soe hjirtroch sels mei útstjerren bedrige wêze. Jan van Gils fan it ûndersyksynstitút NIOZ op Teksel hat ûndersyk dien nei dizze waadfûgel. De resultaten stean yn it ferneamde wittenskiplik tydskrift Sciene. URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title "Opwarming aarde heeft grote impact op waddenvogel kanoets" Degree of recognition Regional Media name/outlet Omrop Fryslân Media type Television Country/Territory Netherlands Date 13/05/2016 Description De opwarming van de aarde heeft grote impact op de kanoet. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek. De waddenvogel wordt kleiner en hierdoor is het dier extra kwetsbaar. Het zou hierdoor zelfs met uitsterven zijn bedreigd. Jan van Gils van het onderzoeksinstituut NIOZ uit Texel heeft onderzoek gedaan naar deze waddenvogel. De resultaten staan in het bekende wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Science. URL Persons Jan van Gils, Theunis Piersma Title Arctic warming could be changing bird’s shape Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet BBC News - Science in Action Media type Radio Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 13/05/2016 Description The shorebird , the red knot is shrinking due to warming in the Arctic, and because its beak is getting shorter, it’s struggling to find food in its Tropical wintering grounds. The subspecies being studied has declined by 50% in the past 33 years of study. It’s all to do with the careful balance of nature being shifted, a ‘trophic mismatch’ – the snow melts and the food insects erupt before the chicks have hatched and can eat them. Producer/Author Roland Pease, Fiona Roberts URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma Title Onderzoekers vrezen dat vogelsoort kanoet uitsterft Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet BNR Media type Radio Country/Territory Netherlands Date 12/05/2016 Description De kanoeten hebben het door de klimaatverandering rond de Noordpool moeilijk in tropisch West-Afrika. In de afgelopen dertig jaar is het aantal gehalveerd. Producer/Author Mark Beekhuis URL Persons Jan van Gils, Tamar Lok, Theunis Piersma