What egg-producing housefly males can tell us about the evolution of sex determination

Press/Media: ResearchAcademic


Science publication, discovery of gene for maleness in houseflies

Period12-May-2017 → 15-Jan-2018

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleTinkering with masculinity - Mr or Mrs fly?
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletUKrant.nl
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionHow does one embryo end up becoming male, and another female? Groningen biologists are trying hard to figure this out. Anyone who understands this can tinker with it, and that might come in handy.
    Producer/AuthorChristien Boomsma/Sarah van Steenderen
    PersonsLeo Beukeboom, Akash Sharma, Yanli Wu
  • TitleWhat egg-producing housefly males can tell us about the evolution of sex determination
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletNWO
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionHow do the two sexes come about? The answer to this question is more complex than one would expect. Though sexual reproduction invariably depends on the presence of male and female individuals, the genetic basis of sex determination varies strongly between species. This diversity is particularly evident in houseflies. This insect order provides an excellent model to study how different sex-determining mechanisms have evolved. Research groups in Zurich, Groningen and Göttingen now have important new findings to report in the prestigious scientific journal Science. They have identified the gene for maleness in houseflies.
    PersonsLeo Beukeboom, Louis Jacobus Mgn Van De Zande, Akash Sharma, Yanli Wu
  • TitleGeslachtsbepalend gen van de huisvlieg ontdekt
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletUG press release
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionOntwikkeling van milieuvriendelijke bestrijdingsmethoden van plaaginsecten kan gebaat zijn bij meer kennis over de genetica van hun geslachtsbepaling. Daarom is het van belang dat het tot dusver onbekende gen voor mannelijkheid bij de huisvlieg, de M-factor, nu is geïdentificeerd door prof. Leo Beukeboom en dr. Louis van de Zande van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in samenwerking met collega’s in Zürich en Göttingen. De onderzoekers rapporteren een doorbraak in het gerenommeerde wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Science van 12 mei 2017.
    Producer/AuthorUniversity of Groningen
    PersonsLeo Beukeboom, Louis Jacobus Mgn Van De Zande