Spectral albedo measurements of the sea ice surface during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) campaign in the Central Arctic Ocean, April – September 2020

  • Madison Smith (Creator)
  • Bonnie Light (Creator)
  • Don Perovich (Creator)
  • Melinda Webster (Creator)
  • Philipp Anhaus (Creator)
  • David Clemens-Sewall (Creator)
  • Felix Linhardt (Creator)
  • Amy Macfarlane (Creator)
  • Ian Raphael (Creator)
  • Deborah Bozzato (Creator)
  • Zoé Brasseur (Creator)
  • Ruzica Dadic (Creator)
  • Steven Fons (Creator)
  • Antonia Immerz (Creator)
  • Henna-Reetta Hannula (Creator)
  • Jenny Hutchings (Creator)
  • Falk Pätzold (Creator)
  • Julia Regnery (Creator)
  • Roberta Pirazzini (Creator)
  • Aikaterini Tavri (Creator)



This dataset contains spectral albedo data recorded on the sea ice surface June-September, 2020, during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition expedition in the Central Arctic Ocean. Measurements were made in three modes: (i) along ‘albedo lines’, between 60-200 meters (m) in length, with measurements every 5 meters, (ii) at specific ‘library sites,’ or (iii) ‘experiments’. Albedo lines were chosen with the aim of crossing representative surface conditions during the summer sea ice evolution, including snow-covered ridges, bare ice, and ponded ice. Included in the dataset are classification of the surface cover and depth for most measurements. Spectral albedo data was collected using an Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) FieldSpec Pro spectroradio meter with a custom spectralon cosine collector. Incident and reflected values were recorded subsequently, with 10 scans averaged for each.Processing of the data includes calculating an albedo from the relative values of incident and reflected scans, and completing quality control to (i) correct for parabolic offset between sensors, (ii) add flag quantifying variability of incident light that may be used to filter scans, (iii) remove scans with physically unrealistic values or slopes, and (iv) remove and filter noisy parts of the spectrum. This dataset is collocated with the broadband albedo dataset (doi.org/10.18739/A2KK94D36) and albedo photo dataset (doi.org/10.18739/A2B27PS3N).
Date made availableNov-2021
PublisherUC Santa Barbara

Keywords on Datasets

  • MOSAiC
  • albedo
  • sea ice

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