- University of Groningen
- Campus Fryslân
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Economics and Business
- Faculty of Law
- Centres of Expertise Faculty of Law
- Centre for Public Order and Safety (COOV)
- Groningen Centre for Empirical Legal Research
- Groningen Centre for European Financial Services Law
- Groningen Centre for Health Law
- Groningen Centre for Liability and Damage
- Groningen Centre of Energy Law and Sustainability
- Institute of Corporate Law
- Rethinking Public Interests in Private Relationships
- Security, Technology & e-Privacy Research Group
- The Notarial Institute Groningen
- Groningen Centre for Law and Governance
- Bronnen van Byzantijns-Romeins recht
- Effective Criminal Law
- Empirical Legal Studies
- Law on Energy and Sustainability
- Public Interests and Private Relationships
- Public Trust and Public Law
- Regulatory Interaction and Multi-level Governance
- Rethinking Public Interests in Private Relationships
- Transboundary Legal Studies
- User-friendly Private Law
- Centres of Expertise Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG
- Health in Context Research Institute
- Biology-Related, Artificial, and Interventional Neuroscience (BRAIN)
- Clinical Cognitive Neuropsychiatry Research Program (CCNP)
- Cognition, Ageing and Disease (CAD)
- Cure and Care in the Community Context (FOUR-C)
- EXtremities Pain Active lifestyle aNd Disability (EXPAND)
- Health Psychology Research (HPR)
- Interdisciplinary Centre Psychopathology and Emotion regulation (ICPE)
- Life Course Epidemiology (LCE)
- Lifelong Learning, Education & Assessment Research Network (LEARN)
- Nutrition Research in Medicine (NiM)
- Perceptual and Cognitive Neuroscience (PCN)
- Public Health Research (PHR)
- Reproductive Origins of Adult Health and Disease (ROAHD)
- SMART Movements (SMART)
- Value, Affordability and Sustainability (VALUE)
- Mechanisms of Health, Aging and Disease (MoHAD)
- Cardiovascular Centre (CVC)
- Groningen Kidney Center (GKC)
- Innovative Clinical Trials and Long-term Treatment Consequences (InClinS)
- Metabolism and Transport (MT)
- Molecular Oncology (MO)
- Onco-Immunology (O-I)
- Personalized Cancer Treatment (PCT)
- Protein Homeostasis (PH)
- Senescence, Stem Cells, and Inflammation (SSI)
- Vascular Medicine (VASC)
- Personalized medicine research institute Groningen (PRECISION)
- Basic and Translational Research and Imaging Methodology Development in Groningen (BRIDGE)
- Biopharmaceuticals, Discovery, Design and Delivery (BDDD)
- Critical care, Anesthesiology, Peri-operative and Emergency medicine (CAPE)
- Digital Healthcare (DH)
- Groningen Institute for Gastro Intestinal Genetics and Immunology (3GI)
- Groningen Institute for Organ Transplantation (GIOT)
- Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD (GRIAC)
- Man, Biomaterials and Microbes (MBM)
- Medicinal Chemistry and Bioanalysis (MCB)
- Microbes in Health and Disease (MHD)
- Nanotechnology and Biophysics in Medicine (NANOBIOMED)
- Real World Studies in PharmacoEpidemiology, -Genetics, -Economics and -Therapy (PEGET)
- Robotics and image-guided minimally-invasive surgery (ROBOTICS)
- Translational Immunology Groningen (TRIGR)
- Health in Context Research Institute
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society
- Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Bernoulli Institute
- Algebra
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computational and Numerical Mathematics
- Computer Architecture
- Distributed Systems
- Dynamical Systems, Geometry and Mathematical Physics
- Fundamental Computing
- Information Systems
- Intelligent Systems
- Probability and Statistics
- Scientific Visualization and Computer Graphics
- Software Engineering
- Systems, Control and Applied Analysis
- Centre for Data Science and Systems Complexity (DSSC)
- Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen
- Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen
- Advanced Production Engineering
- Bio-inspired MEMS and Biomedical Devices
- Bioproduct Engineering
- Computational Mechanical and Materials Engineering
- Discrete Technology and Production Automation
- Dynamics and Vibration
- Green Chemical Reaction Engineering
- Optimization and Decision Systems
- Products and Processes for Biotechnology
- Product Technology
- Smart Manufacturing Systems
- Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute
- Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences
- Behavioural & Physiological Ecology
- Conservation Ecology Group
- Evolutionary Genetics, Development & Behaviour
- Beukeboom lab - Evolutionary Genetics
- Billeter lab - Neurogenetics of Social and Sexual Behaviour
- Chan lab - Quantitative Genetics and Genomics
- Elliot lab - Evolutionary and Comparative Reproductive Physiology
- Geuverink lab - Evolutionary Functional Genetics and Genomics
- Groothuis lab - Behavioural Biology
- Jones lab - Molecular Basis of Adaptation
- Maan group - Evolutionary Behavioural Ecology
- Van de Zande lab - Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
- Wertheim lab - Evolutionary Biology of Ecological Interactions
- Genomics Research in Ecology & Evolution in Nature
- De Vos lab - Microbial Eco-Evolutionary Medicine
- Elzenga lab - Ecophysiology of Plants
- Falcao Salles lab - Microbial Community Ecology
- Fontaine lab - Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
- Hackl lab - Eco-Evolutionary Bioinformatics
- Lequime lab - Virus Ecology and Evolution
- Thieltges lab - Marine Parasite Ecology
- Tiedge lab - Functional Genetics and Genomics
- Van der Kooi lab - Evolutionary Biophysics
- Van Elsas lab - Microbial Ecology
- Van Veen lab - Evolutionary Plant Ecophysiology
- Marine Biology
- Neurobiology
- Buwalda lab - Behavioural Neuroscience
- Drion lab - Behavioural Neuroscience
- Eisel lab - Molecular Neurobiology and Neuroimmunology
- Gervais lab - Memory, Sleep and Hormones
- Havekes lab - Neuroscience of Memory and Sleep
- Helm group - Biological Rhythms of Natural Organisms
- Hut lab - Chronobiology
- Kas lab - Behavioural Neuroscience
- Meerlo lab - Biology of Sleep
- Moorman lab - Behavioural Neuroscience
- Olivier lab - Developmental Behavioural Neuroscience
- Scheurink lab - Neuroendocrinology
- Schoemaker lab - Molecular Neurobiology
- Van der Zee lab - Molecular Neurobiology
- Van Dijk lab - Integrative Neurobiology of Energy Balance
- Theoretical Research in Evolutionary Life Sciences
- Egas group - Evolution and Behaviour
- Erten group - Evolutionary Biology
- Etienne group - Theoretical and Evolutionary Community Ecology
- Hemelrijk group - Self-Organisation of Social Systems
- Pen group - Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology
- Van Benthem group - Data Science and Biostatistics
- Van Doorn group - Evolutionary Systems Biology
- Weissing group - Theoretical Biology
- Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
- Kapteyn Astronomical Institute
- Science Education and Communication
- Stratingh Institute for Chemistry
- Van Swinderen Institute for Particle Physics and Gravity
- Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
- Bio-inspired Circuits & Systems
- Device Physics of Complex Materials
- Macromolecular Chemistry and New Polymeric Materials
- Materials Chemistry
- Micromechanics
- Molecular Biophysics
- Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces
- Nanostructures of Functional Oxides
- Optical Condensed Matter Physics
- Optical Spectroscopy of Functional Nanosystems
- Photophysics and OptoElectronics
- Physics of Nanodevices
- Polymer Chemistry and Bioengineering
- Polymer Science
- Quantum Interactions and Structural Dynamics
- Solid State Materials for Electronics
- Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Surfaces and Thin Films
- Theoretical Chemistry
- Theory of Condensed Matter
- Bernoulli Institute
- Faculty of Spatial Sciences
- Schools for Science & Society
- Science Shop
- University College Groningen