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De stad, het vuil en de beerput. Een archeologisch-historische studie naar de opkomst, verbreiding en neergang in stedelijke context (13de tot 18de eeuw)
van Oosten, R. (Creator), University of Groningen, 8-Jan-2014
Zooarchaeological, isotopic, ZooMS, and Radiocarbon data from the Classical through the Hellenistic Periods in Thessaly (Central Greece)
Filioglou, D. (Creator), Valenzuela Lamas, S. (Creator), Patterson, W. P. (Creator), Timsic, S. (Creator), Pena, L. D. (Creator), Presslee, S. (Creator), Delgado Huertas, A. (Creator), Prummel, W. (Creator) & Çakirlar, C. (Creator), DataverseNL, 25-Oct-2024
DOI: 10.34894/sxqqok
Later prehistoric land-use intensities: base data and tables
Arnoldussen, S. (Creator), University of Groningen, 20-Dec-2022
DOI: 10.34894/L7WMNN
Windpark Greenport Venlo Windpark Greenport Venlo, gemeente Venlo
Vanderhoeven, T. (Contributor), EASY, 1-Jan-2021
DOI: 10.17026/dans-zrs-988w,
Data from: Zoeken naar neolithische grondsporen aan de Borgerderweg, Odoorn (Dr.). Opgraving nabij hunebed D32-Odoorn
Hopman, E. C. (Contributor) & Raemaekers, D. (Contributor), EASY, 1-Jan-2013
(Table A1) Isotope composition of bulk diet taken by barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) at the common tundra, Svalbard
Hahn, S. (Contributor), Loonen, M. (Contributor) & Klaassen, M. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 19-Apr-2011
Supplementary_Table_II – Supplemental material for Holocene vegetation record of upland northern Calabria, Italy: Environmental change and human impact
Sevink, J. (Contributor), Bakels, C. C. (Contributor), Attema, P. (Contributor), Di Vito, M. A. (Contributor) & Arienzo, I. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Feb-2019
(Table 1a) Isotopic compositon of food and tissues of pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) from Svalbard
Hahn, S. (Contributor), Loonen, M. (Contributor) & Klaassen, M. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 19-Apr-2011
Geospatially distributed (gridded) global mercury emissions to air from anthropogenic sources in 2010.v2
Steenhuisen, F. (Creator) & Wilson, S. J. (Creator), DataverseNL, 2-Jul-2024
DOI: 10.34894/f3j91i
Replication Data for: The Role of Public Broadcasting in Media Bias: Do People React Differently to Pro-government Bias in Public and Private Media?
Asano, T.-A. (Contributor), Tago, A. (Contributor) & Tanaka, S. (Contributor), Harvard Dataverse, 14-Oct-2021
DOI: 10.7910/dvn/r57mj4
Fora, stationes and sanctuaries: the role of minor centres in the economy of Roman central Italy
de Haas, T. (Creator), Tol, G. (Contributor), Borgers, B. (Contributor) & Armstrong, K. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 31-Dec-2016
EXCEPTIUS dataset v1.0
Egger, C. M. (Contributor), De Saint Phalle, E. (Contributor), Magni-Berton, R. (Contributor), Aarts, C. W. A. M. (Contributor) & Sébastian, R. (Contributor), DataverseNL, 27-Jan-2022
DOI: 10.34894/tts0mf
Coding Book for Article: Onwards and eastwards EU-Azerbaijan relations as an example of crisis-driven agenda-setting within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy
Bayramov, A. (Creator) & K Meyer, J. (Creator), Harvard Dataverse, 2024
DOI: 10.7910/dvn/qwl4op
Replication Data for: Hidden Sources of Anti-Muslim Attitudes: Joint Effects of Interactions and Exposure to Out-groups (Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics)
Tanaka, S. (Creator), Harvard Dataverse, 5-May-2023
DOI: 10.7910/dvn/ukpjvm
EXCEPTIUS dataset v2.0
Egger, C. M. (Contributor), De Saint Phalle, E. (Contributor), Magni-Berton, R. (Contributor) & Aarts, C. W. A. M. (Contributor), DataverseNL, 29-Sept-2022
DOI: 10.34894/qed8l2
Replication Data for: "Mapping Corporate Investments Between China and Europe in an Era of Geoeconomic Competition"
Linsi, L. (Creator) & Babic, M. (Creator), Harvard Dataverse, 2-Aug-2024
DOI: 10.7910/dvn/k5ultb
Executive Pay Netherlands 2017-2021
Linsi, L. (Contributor), Harvard Dataverse, 31-Jul-2022
DOI: 10.7910/dvn/zjx9cb