Activities per year
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ISCHE 34 Internationalisation in education
Amsing, H. (Attendee)
28-Jun-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
File -
21st Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities
Tucha, O. (Attendee)
Sept-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Amsing, H. (Attendee)
11-Apr-2012 → 14-Apr-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Jaarcongres Vereniging Filosofie en Geneeskunde Leiden.
Dehue, T. (Attendee)
10-Nov-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Eunethydis 2nd International Conference on ADHD
Fuermaier, A. (Attendee)
May-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
53rd Annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society
Nieuwenstein, M. (Attendee)
2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Negative Ties and Social Networks
Ploeg, van der, R. (Attendee)
Apr-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
ISCHE 34 Internationalisation in education
Amsing, H. (Attendee)
27-Jun-2012 → 30-Jun-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Eunethydis 2nd International Conference on ADHD
Tucha, L. (Attendee)
2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Eunethydis 2nd International Conference on ADHD
Tucha, O. (Attendee)
2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Conference of EARLI SIG17: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Learning and Instruction. Theme "Mixed Methods in Educational Interactions"
Haakma, I. (Attendee)
6-Sept-2012 → 7-Sept-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Werkgemeenschap van Onderzoekers in de Arbeids- en Organizatiepsychologie (WAOP)
Armenta Gutiérrez, B. (Attendee)
23-Nov-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
University of Helsinki Summer School
Haakma, I. (Attendee)
7-Aug-2012 → 24-Aug-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
IASSID World Conference
Luijkx, J. (Attendee)
9-Jul-2012 → 14-Jul-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
ENSN Final Conference
Brenninkmeijer, J. (Attendee)
27-Apr-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Society for Personal and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference
Koudenburg, N. (Attendee)
Jan-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
4S/EASST joint conference – Design and Displacement
Tjeerdema, H. (Attendee)
19-Oct-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
KLI Conference
Elbert, S. (Attendee)
May-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience
Spijkerboer, A. (Attendee)
12-Jul-2012 → 18-Jul-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
European Conference for Visual Perception
Jolij, J. (Attendee)
Sept-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
the International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology (ICTTP) 2012
Tucha, L. (Attendee)
2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
Fuermaier, A. (Attendee)
2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Fourth International Symposium on Recurrence Plots
Cox, R. (Attendee)
5-Dec-2011 → 7-Dec-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
41st EABCT Annual Congress
Neimeijer, R. (Attendee)
2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
MOVERE Symposium
Haakma, I. (Attendee)
29-Nov-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
History of Education Doctoral Summer School
Greveling, L. (Attendee)
9-Jun-2011 → 12-Jun-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Workshop NAE-dag 2011. Nederlandse Academie voor Eetstoornissen.
Bouman, T. (Attendee)
Nov-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
22nd Eunethydis meeting: the next 10 years
Groen, Y. (Attendee)
29-Sept-2011 → 2-Oct-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Manchester Metropolitan University - Summer School: Qualitative Research, Putting Theory To Work
Haakma, I. (Attendee)
18-Jul-2011 → 22-Jul-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
VGCT Voorjaarsworkshop
Bouman, T. (Attendee)
Apr-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
The second European Symposium on Symptom Validity Assessment
Fuermaier, A. (Attendee)
2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
symposium Oogbewegingen door Vereniging voor Revalidatie bij Slechtziendheid
Haan, de, G. (Attendee)
4-Oct-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
3rd International Congress on ADHD - From Childhood to Adult Disease
Groen, Y. (Attendee)
May-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
2nd European Symposium on Symptom Validity Assessment
Tucha, L. (Attendee)
2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Round table meeting SIRG PIMD
Luijkx, J. (Attendee)
7-Nov-2011 → 9-Nov-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Nationaal Autisme Congres
Tjeerdema, H. (Attendee)
2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
14th Meeting of the MIND Group
Schleim, S. (Attendee)
Jun-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
3rd International Congress on ADHD - From Childhood to Adult Disease
Fuermaier, A. (Attendee)
May-2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Multilevel and structural equation modeling approaches for longitudinal data
Kretschmer, T. (Attendee)
2010Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Cognitive neuroscience of dopamine related brain functions
Fuermaier, A. (Attendee)
2010Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Eunethydis 1st International Conference on ADHD
Fuermaier, A. (Attendee)
2010Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Introduction to Counselling Skills
Kretschmer, T. (Attendee)
2010 → 2011Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Second meeting of the Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN)
Fuermaier, A. (Attendee)
2010Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
VGCt najaarscongres 2010
Neimeijer, R. (Attendee)
2010Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
General Latent Variable Modeling in Mplus
Kretschmer, T. (Attendee)
2010Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Latent Variable Modeling in Mplus
Kretschmer, T. (Attendee)
2009Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Twin Model Fitting
Kretschmer, T. (Attendee)
2007Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Studiedag 'Pedagogisch vernieuwen: nieuws onder de zon?'
Schreuder, P. (Attendee)
28-Apr-2000Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic