- 450 - 500 out of 2,143 results
Search results
Christiaan Dolk, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, PharmacoTherapy, Epidemiology and Economics - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Daniel Dollerer, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Synthetic Organic Chemistry - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Alex Dömling
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy - Externe medewerker
- Faculty of Medical Sciences/UMCG, Medicinal Chemistry and Bioanalysis (MCB)
Person: Scientific Staff
Maddalena Donà
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Probability and Statistics - Promovendus
Person: Scientific Staff
Serte Donderwinkel
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Probability and Statistics - Universitair docent
Person: Scientific Staff
Fuchen Dong
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy - Promotiestudent
Person: Scientific Staff
Jackie Dong
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Molecular Biophysics - Promotiestudent
Person: Scientific Staff
Sen Dong
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Komdeur group - Evolutionary Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dugdale group - Evolutionary Medicine - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Sander van Doorn
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Van Doorn group - Evolutionary Systems Biology - Associate Professor
Person: Scientific Staff
Yangming Dou
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Discrete Technology and Production Automation - Promotiestudent
Person: Scientific Staff
Nicolas Doubovetzky
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Billeter lab - Neurogenetics of Social and Sexual Behaviour - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Wertheim lab - Evolutionary Biology of Ecological Interactions - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
John Douglass, PhD
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Genomics Research in Ecology & Evolution in Nature - Guest researcher
Person: Scientific Staff
Wanda Douwenga
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Neurobiology - Research technician
Person: Support Staff
Annemarie Doze
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Medicinal Chemistry, Photopharmacology and Imaging - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Merita Dreshaj, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Isotope Research - Onderwijs-/Onderzoeksmedewerker
- Faculty of Arts, Archaeology of Northwestern Europe - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff, Support Staff
Arnold Driessen
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Molecular Microbiology - Hoogleraar
Person: Scientific Staff
Merijn Driessen, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Pen group - Theoretical Evolutionary Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tieleman group - Animal Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Verhulst group - Evolutionary Biology of Ageing - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Cato Drion
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Drion lab - Behavioural Neuroscience - Assistant Professor
Person: Scientific Staff
Panagiotis Drougkas, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Enzymology - Promovendus
Person: Scientific Staff
Vasyl Drozd
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Nuclear Energy - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Pablo Druetta
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Product Technology - Universitair docent
Person: Scientific Staff
Rob Duchateau
Person: Scientific Staff
Hannah Dugdale
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dugdale group - Evolutionary Medicine - Associate Professor
Person: Scientific Staff
Daniël Duijnstee, Bsc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Materials Chemistry - Promovendus
Person: Scientific Staff
Martin van Duin
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Product Technology - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Ercan Dursun
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Molecular Pharmacology - Promotiestudent
Person: Scientific Staff
Ulrike Dusek
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Isotope Research - Universitair hoofddocent
Person: Scientific Staff
Dilek Düstegör, PhD
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Distributed Systems - Universitair docent
Person: Scientific Staff
Bass Dye
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Ocean Ecosystems - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Joe Earle, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Falcao Salles lab - Microbial Community Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Van Veen lab - Evolutionary Plant Ecophysiology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tiedge lab - Functional Genetics and Genomics - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Edu Eduardus
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Precision Frontier - Promotiestudent
Person: Scientific Staff
Arne van Eerden, MSc
Person: Scientific Staff
Nikos Efthymiadis, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Precision Frontier - Promovendus
Person: Scientific Staff
Martijn Egas
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Egas group - Evolution and Behaviour - Associate Professor
Person: Scientific Staff
Bruno Ehrler
Person: Scientific Staff
Daan van Eijk
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Cosmic Frontier - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Ulrich Eisel
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Eisel lab - Molecular Neurobiology and Neuroimmunology - Professor
Person: Scientific Staff
Corine Eising
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences - PhD coordinator
Person: Support Staff
Anko Eissens
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy - Onderwijs-/Onderzoeksmedewerker
Person: Support Staff
Timo van Eldijk, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Weissing group - Theoretical Biology - Guest researcher
Person: Scientific Staff
Hacen El-Hacen, PhD
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Piersma group - Global Flyway Ecology - Guest researcher
Person: Scientific Staff
Fransien Elhorst, MSc
Person: Scientific Staff
Mick Elliot, PhD
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Elliot lab - Evolutionary and Comparative Reproductive Physiology - Assistant Professor
Person: Scientific Staff