Activities per year
- 35 results
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Terra sigillata in the terp region
Nieuwhof, A. (Speaker)
6-Apr-2024Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Popular
Van Drenthe tot aan ‘t Wad. De bewoningsgeschiedenis van het wierdengebied
Nieuwhof, A. (Speaker)
13-Sept-2023Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Grazen op zilte of zoete weiden? Af te lezen aan de δ13C en δ15N-waarden van botten van oerrunderen, runderen en schapen uit Noord-Nederland
Prummel, W. (Speaker), Kootker, L. (Contributor), van der Plicht, J. (Contributor), Arnoldussen, S. (Contributor) & Nieuwhof, A. (Contributor)
21-Jan-2022Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Noord-Nederland in de Romeinse tijd
Nieuwhof, A. (Keynote speaker)
22-Jan-2021Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Popular
Archeologie in het Groninger wierdengebied (Archaeology in the Groningen terp region)
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
16-Sept-2021Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Hogebeintum and the creation of the book
Nieuwhof, A. (Speaker)
19-Oct-2019Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Sea-level research in the terp region of the northern Netherlands
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker) & C.Vos, P. (Invited speaker)
20-Sept-2019Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Het noordelijke kustlandschap in de pre- en protohistorie (The northern coastal landscape in pre and protohistory)
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
30-Oct-2018Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Het meisje van Yde
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
20-Apr-2018Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Scherven en mensenbotten: De resten van rituelen in terpen en wierden (600 v.Chr. – 300 n.Chr.)
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
27-Oct-2018Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Het meisje van Yde. Leven en sterven 2000 jaar geleden
Nieuwhof, A. (Speaker)
9-Oct-2018Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Presentation of a book that is one of the results of the project Terpen- en Wierdenland.
Knol, E. (Speaker), Nieuwhof, A. (Speaker), Nicolay, J. (Speaker) & Raemaekers, D. (Speaker)
7-Dec-2018Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
File -
Leven op terpen en wierden. De basis: een zelfvoorzienende samenleving
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
4-Oct-2018Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Ezinge:Het verhaal van een terpdorp (Ezinge: the story of a terp settlement)
Nieuwhof, A. (Speaker)
15-Dec-2017Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Round Table Meeting Migration Period
Nieuwhof, A. (Speaker)
12-May-2017Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Het meisje van Yde. Leven en sterven 2000 jaar geleden
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
9-Sept-2017Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Bookpresentation Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
27-Nov-2016Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
22th Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
Nieuwhof, A. (Keynote speaker)
2-Sept-2016Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
De Romeinse Kust
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
12-Sept-2016Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Luxe servies? Het gebruik van terra sigillata ten noorden van de limes
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
10-Feb-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
The eye of the beholder
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
8-Jun-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Het mensenoffer: bronnen en achtergronden
Nieuwhof, A. (Keynote speaker)
18-Mar-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Wonen op terpen en wierden
Nieuwhof, A. (Keynote speaker)
28-Sept-2015 → 2-Nov-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Het gebruik van menselijke resten in het terpen- en wierdengebied
Nieuwhof, A. (Keynote speaker)
13-Jun-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Handgevormd aardewerk uit de IJzertijd en de Romeinse tijd in Noord-Nederland: het ontstaan en gebruik van een aardewerktypologie
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
15-Jan-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Rituelen in terpen en wierden. Vondsten uit opgravingen in het Reitdiepgebied
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
21-Oct-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Current Issues Research seminars VU/Uva
Nieuwhof, A. (Keynote speaker)
9-Sept-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Na 80 jaar: De opgravingen in de wierde van Ezinge en de uitwerking van de resultaten
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
18-Feb-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
12 Provinciën lezing
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
27-Jun-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Wonen in een dynamisch landschap. De terpbewoners van oostelijk Friesland
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
7-Mar-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Symposium Romeinse tijd ten noorden van de Limes
Nieuwhof, A. (Keynote speaker)
14-Nov-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Dag van de Groninger Geschiedenis
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
4-Oct-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
De levenden en de doden. Het grafritueel in het terpen- en wierdengebied, 600 v.C.-300 n.C.
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
28-Feb-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Programma Land van Ontdekkingen
Nieuwhof, A. (Invited speaker)
22-Mar-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Het geval Ezinge: de (rituele) depositie van voorwerpen in een nederzetting uit de ijzertijd
Nieuwhof, A. (Keynote speaker)
17-Oct-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional