6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Bass Dye with the persons below:
Britas Klemens Eriksson
Person: Scientific Staff
Maryann Watson, BSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Eriksson group - Marine Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Govers group - Marine Conservation Ecology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Haiyan He
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Eriksson group - Marine Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Thieltges lab - Marine Parasite Ecology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Beatriz Rapado-Tamarit, M
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Groothuis lab - Behavioural Biology - External PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Eriksson group - Marine Ecology - External PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff