- 13 results
Search results
Additional file 2 of Oxidative stress gene expression, DNA methylation, and gut microbiota interaction trigger Crohn’s disease: a multi-omics Mendelian randomization study
Xu, S. (Creator), Li, X. (Creator), Zhang, S. (Creator), Qi, C. (Creator), Zhang, Z. (Creator), Ma, R. (Creator), Xiang, L. (Creator), Chen, L. (Creator), Zhu, Y. (Creator), Tang, C. (Creator), Bourgonje, A. (Creator), Li, M. (Creator), He, Y. (Creator), Zeng, Z. (Creator), Hu, S. (Creator), Feng, R. (Creator), Chen, M. (Creator), Qi, C. (Creator), Zhang, Z. (Creator), Tang, C. (Creator) & Li, M. (Creator), figshare, 11-May-2023
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22807533.v1,
Additional file 2 of Oxidative stress gene expression, DNA methylation, and gut microbiota interaction trigger Crohn’s disease: a multi-omics Mendelian randomization study
Xu, S. (Creator), Li, X. (Creator), Zhang, S. (Creator), Qi, C. (Creator), Zhang, Z. (Creator), Ma, R. (Creator), Xiang, L. (Creator), Chen, L. (Creator), Zhu, Y. (Creator), Tang, C. (Creator), Bourgonje, A. (Creator), Li, M. (Creator), He, Y. (Creator), Zeng, Z. (Creator), Hu, S. (Creator), Feng, R. (Creator), Chen, M. (Creator), Qi, C. (Creator), Zhang, Z. (Creator), Tang, C. (Creator), Li, M. (Creator) & Zeng, Z. (Creator), figshare, 11-May-2023
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.22807533,
Additional file 6 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor) & Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290737.v1
Additional file 8 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Huen, K. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor) & Sebert, S. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290743.v1
Additional file 11 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor) & Hoyo, C. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290707.v1
Additional file 9 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor) & Bergström, A. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290746.v1
Additional file 12 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor) & Salas, L. A. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290713.v1
Additional file 10 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor) & Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290698.v1
Additional file 13 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor) & Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290719.v1
Additional file 7 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Melén, E. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor) & Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290740.v1
Additional file 1 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Gao, L. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor) & Page, C. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290722.v1
Additional file 3 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Bergström, A. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Zhang, W. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor) & Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), University of Groningen, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290728.v1
Additional file 4 of DNA methylation and body mass index from birth to adolescence: meta-analyses of epigenome-wide association studies
Heiskala, A. (Contributor), Relton, C. L. (Contributor), Holloway, J. W. (Contributor), Küpers, L. K. (Contributor), Koppelman, G. H. (Contributor), Baccarelli, A. (Contributor), Breton, C. V. (Contributor), Gao, L. (Contributor), Felix, J. F. (Contributor), Ewart, S. (Contributor), Almqvist, C. (Contributor), Maguire, R. L. (Contributor), Vrijheid, M. (Contributor), Hivert, M.-F. (Contributor), Sharp, G. C. (Contributor), Sørensen, T. I. A. (Contributor), Murphy, S. K. (Contributor), Kull, I. (Contributor), Håberg, S. E. (Contributor), Muhlhausler, B. S. (Contributor), Zhang, H. (Contributor), Verduci, E. (Contributor), Melton, P. E. (Contributor), Gruszfeld, D. (Contributor), Qi, C. (Contributor), Vonk, J. M. (Contributor), Jaddoe, V. W. V. (Contributor), Salas, L. A. (Contributor), Melén, E. (Contributor), Rifas-Shiman, S. (Contributor), Czamara, D. (Contributor), Dabelea, D. (Contributor), Starling, A. P. (Contributor), Karmaus, W. (Contributor), Mori, T. A. (Contributor), Eskenazi, B. (Contributor), Koletzko, B. (Contributor), Snieder, H. (Contributor), Jima, D. D. (Contributor), Tuominen, S. T. (Contributor), Reese, S. (Contributor), Xu, C.-J. (Contributor), Räikkönen, K. (Contributor), Nohr, E. (Contributor), Vehmeijer, F. O. L. (Contributor), Huang, R.-C. (Contributor), Corpeleijn, E. (Contributor), Chatzi, L. (Contributor), Binder, E. (Contributor), Arshad, S. H. (Contributor), Rzehak, P. (Contributor), Nystad, W. (Contributor), Bergström, A. (Contributor), Page, C. (Contributor), Holland, N. (Contributor), Magnus, M. C. (Contributor), Ross, J. P. (Contributor), Jarvelin, M.-R. (Contributor), Monnereau, C. (Contributor), Grote, V. (Contributor), Ruiz-Arenas, C. (Contributor), Rezwan, F. I. (Contributor), Oken, E. (Contributor), Tindula, G. (Contributor), Hoyo, C. (Contributor), London, S. J. (Contributor), Molloy, P. L. (Contributor), Yang, I. V. (Contributor), Lahti, J. (Contributor), Bustamante, M. (Contributor), Karlsson, R. (Contributor), Yousefi, P. (Contributor), Lent, S. (Contributor), Lepeule, J. (Contributor), Sebert, S. (Contributor), Beilin, L. J. (Contributor), Gong, T. (Contributor), Huen, K. (Contributor), Aasvang, G. M. (Contributor), Ullemar, V. (Contributor), Escaramís, G. (Contributor), Gruzieva, O. (Contributor), Ferre, N. (Contributor), Langhendries, J.-P. (Contributor) & Zhang, W. (Contributor), figshare, 1-Jan-2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13290731.v1