6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Daan van Eijk with the persons below:
Rebecca Muller, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tieleman group - Animal Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Helm group - Biological Rhythms of Natural Organisms - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Tian Zhou
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Cosmic Frontier - Promotiestudent
Person: Scientific Staff
Kevin van Helden
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Cosmic Frontier - Externe medewerker
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dynamical Systems, Geometry and Mathematical Physics - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Qian Xiang
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Cosmic Frontier - Promotiestudent
Person: Scientific Staff