11 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Larissa van de Ven, MSc with the persons below:
Loredana Protesescu
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Materials Chemistry - Universitair hoofddocent
Person: Scientific Staff
Maxim Pchenitchnikov
Person: Scientific Staff
Georgian Nedelcu, PhD
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials - Beleidsmedewerker
Person: Support Staff
Lijun Chen
Person: Scientific Staff
Jacob Baas
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Solid State Materials for Electronics - Onderwijs-/Onderzoeksmedewerker
Person: Support Staff
Arjen Kamp
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Photophysics and OptoElectronics - Technicus O&O-gebonden - profiel O
Person: Support Staff
Graeme Blake
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Solid State Materials for Electronics - Universitair docent
Person: Scientific Staff
Maria Loi
Person: Scientific Staff
Richard Hildner
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Optical Spectroscopy of Functional Nanosystems - Universitair hoofddocent
Person: Scientific Staff
Gert ten Brink, BSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces - Technicus O&O-gebonden - profiel O
Person: Support Staff
Klaas Bijlsma, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Quantum Interactions and Structural Dynamics - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff