Activities per year
- 23 results
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The use of AI in variant interpretation in newborn screening: Professionals' perspectives
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
13-Jun-2023Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
ELSA Labs: An innovation approach for people-oriented AI
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
1-Nov-2022Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Responsible development and implementation of AI
Lamoth, C. (Contributor), Plantinga, M. (Contributor), Pleijhuis, R. (Contributor), Brandsma, N. (Contributor) & D’Agata, M. (Contributor)
9-Dec-2022Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
ELSA lab. De Ethische, Juridische en Maatschappelijke aspecten van Artificiële Intelligentie. Actief meedoen met het speciaal ontwikkelde Serious Game.
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
28-Oct-2022Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
DASH Webinar: Responsible development and implementation of AI
Plantinga, M. (Invited speaker) & Lamoth, C. (Invited speaker)
30-Mar-2022Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
2022 NLAIC
Plantinga, M. (Invited speaker)
13-Apr-2022Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of AI: Responsible development and implementation
Plantinga, M. (Invited speaker)
12-Oct-2021Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Patiëntbelevingsonderzoek naar ervaringen van spoed Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) bij echoafwijkingen tijdens de zwangerschap
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
29-Nov-2019Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Personalized medicine via Pharmacogenetics: Investigating critical success factors for clinical implementation
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
May-2017Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Couple-based expanded preconception carrier screening
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
May-2016Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Population-based Preconception Carrier Screening: How do potential users view a single test for 70 severe autosomal recessive diseases?
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
6-Jun-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Towards implementing a duty-to-recontact system in clinical genetic practice: perspectives from professionals and patients
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
3-Jun-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Population-Based Preconception Carrier Screening (PCS): Attitudes and intentions of potential users
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
21-Aug-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Population-based NGS Preconception Screening: how do potential users and providers view a preconception test for some 60 genetic diseases?
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
18-Mar-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Plicht tot informeren (‘duty to recontact’) van oud-patiënten in de klinische genetica: een systematische literatuurstudie
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
11-Dec-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Preconceptie dragerschapsscreening; toegang voor iedereen?
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
26-Jun-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Financial incentives in motivating socially desirable behaviours: when are they effective and when are they right?
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
13-Sept-2013Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
The promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the stigmatization of obesity: the necessity to move away from an individual medical model to a relational perspective
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
4-Sept-2013 → 6-Sept-2013Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
‘Preventing obesity: Personal responsibility? Social responsibility? Moving beyond polarization in policy, discourse and practice to ensure equitable access to effective health care’
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
1-Jul-2013Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Plantinga, Wetenschap: Meten is weten, toch?
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
Feb-2012Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Evaluation of: Training Health Care Professionals into Facilitators of Moral Deliberation
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
May-2011Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Omgaan met zelfredzaamheid bij telezorg
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
Nov-2011Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Bevorderen gezonde leefstijl: verbieden van happy meals of gezonde keuzeverleiding?
Plantinga, M. (Speaker)
May-2011Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic