- 9 results
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E859_22 - 238U(n,2ng) and (n,3ng) reaction cross sections measurements
Henning, G. (Creator), Henning, G. (Contributor), Kerveno, M. (Contributor), Dessagne, P. (Contributor), Oprea, A. (Contributor), Paradela Dobarro, C. (Contributor), Plompen, A. (Contributor), Coman, A. (Contributor), Boromiza, M. (Contributor), Negret , A. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Knijpstra, J. (Contributor), Farzanehpoor Alwars, A. (Contributor) & Borcea, C. (Contributor), Ganil, 1-Jan-2029
DOI: 10.26143/ganil-2024-e859_22
"Table 1" of "Evidence for e+e− →γχc1,2 at center-of-mass energies from 4.009 to 4.360 GeV"
Ablikim, M. (Contributor), Achasov, M. N. (Contributor), Ai, X. C. (Contributor), Albayrak, O. (Contributor), Albrecht, M. (Contributor), Ambrose, D. J. (Contributor), Amoroso, A. (Contributor), Bondarenko, O. (Contributor), Haddadi, Z. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Löhner, H. (Contributor), Messchendorp, J. (Contributor) & Tiemens, M. (Contributor), HEPData, 2016
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.72880.v1/t1
"Table 3" of "Evidence for e+e− →γχc1,2 at center-of-mass energies from 4.009 to 4.360 GeV"
Ablikim, M. (Contributor), Achasov, M. N. (Contributor), Ai, X. C. (Contributor), Albayrak, O. (Contributor), Albrecht, M. (Contributor), Ambrose, D. J. (Contributor), Amoroso, A. (Contributor), Bondarenko, O. (Contributor), Haddadi, Z. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Löhner, H. (Contributor), Messchendorp, J. (Contributor) & Tiemens, M. (Contributor), HEPData, 2016
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.72880.v1/t3
"Pion Form Factor" of "Measurement of the e+e- -> π+ π- cross section between 600 and 900 MeV using initial state radiation"
Ablikim, M. (Contributor), Achasov, M. N. (Contributor), Ai, X. C. (Contributor), Albayrak, O. (Contributor), Albrecht, M. (Contributor), Ambrose, D. J. (Contributor), Amoroso, A. (Contributor), Haddadi, Z. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Löhner, H. (Contributor), Messchendorp, J. (Contributor) & Tiemens, M. (Contributor), HEPData, 2021
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.73898.v4/t3
"Table 2" of "Evidence for e+e− →γχc1,2 at center-of-mass energies from 4.009 to 4.360 GeV"
Ablikim, M. (Contributor), Achasov, M. N. (Contributor), Ai, X. C. (Contributor), Albayrak, O. (Contributor), Albrecht, M. (Contributor), Ambrose, D. J. (Contributor), Amoroso, A. (Contributor), Bondarenko, O. (Contributor), Haddadi, Z. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Löhner, H. (Contributor), Messchendorp, J. (Contributor) & Tiemens, M. (Contributor), HEPData, 2016
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.72880.v1/t2
"Covariance Matrix of the Pion Form Factor" of "Measurement of the e+e- -> π+ π- cross section between 600 and 900 MeV using initial state radiation"
Ablikim, M. (Contributor), Achasov, M. N. (Contributor), Ai, X. C. (Contributor), Albayrak, O. (Contributor), Albrecht, M. (Contributor), Ambrose, D. J. (Contributor), Amoroso, A. (Contributor), Haddadi, Z. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Löhner, H. (Contributor), Messchendorp, J. (Contributor) & Tiemens, M. (Contributor), HEPData, 2021
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.73898.v4/t4
"Covariance Matrix of the Bare Cross Section" of "Measurement of the e+e- -> π+ π- cross section between 600 and 900 MeV using initial state radiation"
Ablikim, M. (Contributor), Achasov, M. N. (Contributor), Ai, X. C. (Contributor), Albayrak, O. (Contributor), Albrecht, M. (Contributor), Ambrose, D. J. (Contributor), Amoroso, A. (Contributor), Haddadi, Z. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Löhner, H. (Contributor), Messchendorp, J. (Contributor) & Tiemens, M. (Contributor), HEPData, 2021
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.73898.v4/t2
"Table 1" of "Measurement of the e+e- -> π+ π- cross section between 600 and 900 MeV using initial state radiation"
Ablikim, M. (Contributor), Achasov, M. N. (Contributor), Ai, X. C. (Contributor), Albayrak, O. (Contributor), Albrecht, M. (Contributor), Ambrose, D. J. (Contributor), Amoroso, A. (Contributor), Haddadi, Z. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Löhner, H. (Contributor), Messchendorp, J. (Contributor) & Tiemens, M. (Contributor), HEPData, 2021
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.73898.v2/t1
"Bare Cross Section" of "Measurement of the e+e- -> π+ π- cross section between 600 and 900 MeV using initial state radiation"
Ablikim, M. (Contributor), Achasov, M. N. (Contributor), Ai, X. C. (Contributor), Albayrak, O. (Contributor), Albrecht, M. (Contributor), Ambrose, D. J. (Contributor), Amoroso, A. (Contributor), Haddadi, Z. (Contributor), Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N. (Contributor), Kavatsyuk, M. (Contributor), Löhner, H. (Contributor), Messchendorp, J. (Contributor) & Tiemens, M. (Contributor), HEPData, 2021
DOI: 10.17182/hepdata.73898.v4/t1