5 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Nick Emlen, PhD with the persons below:
Matt Coler, PhD
- Campus Fryslân, Language Technology and Culture (LTC) - Universitair hoofddocent
Person: Scientific Staff
Shekhar Nayak, PhD
- Campus Fryslân, Language Technology and Culture (LTC) - Universitair docent
Person: Scientific Staff
Zhu Li
- Campus Fryslân, Graduate School - Promotiestudent
- Campus Fryslân, Language Technology and Culture (LTC)
Person: Scientific Staff
Igor Marchenko, MSc
- Campus Fryslân, Language Technology and Culture (LTC) - Promovendus
Person: Scientific Staff
Vass Verkhodanova
- Campus Fryslân, Language Technology and Culture (LTC) - Universitair docent
Person: Scientific Staff