12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Sander Buddendorf, MSc with the persons below:
Maaike van der Zanden
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Hut lab - Chronobiology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Aurelia Strauss, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Neurobiology - Guest researcher
Person: Scientific Staff
Paul Jerem, PhD
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Neurobiology - MSCA Fellow
Person: Scientific Staff
Macarena Blanco Pimentel, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Van der Meij lab - Marine Evolutionary Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Eriksson group - Marine Ecology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Mathilde Le Levier
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Van der Kooi lab - Evolutionary Biophysics - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Billeter lab - Neurogenetics of Social and Sexual Behaviour - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Jorn Claassen, M
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Van der Meij lab - Marine Evolutionary Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Eriksson group - Marine Ecology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Xuan Li, PhD
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Beukeboom lab - Evolutionary Genetics - Guest researcher
Person: Scientific Staff
Nanyang Li
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, De Vos lab - Microbial Eco-Evolutionary Medicine - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Hackl lab - Eco-Evolutionary Bioinformatics - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Etienne group - Theoretical and Evolutionary Community Ecology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Corne Hoff
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Etienne group - Theoretical and Evolutionary Community Ecology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff
Jina Zhang
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Falcao Salles lab - Microbial Community Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tieleman group - Animal Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dietz group - Ecophysiology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff