6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Sergio Rossano Becerril, PhD with the persons below:
Jur van Dijken
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macromolecular Chemistry and New Polymeric Materials - Onderwijs-/Onderzoeksmedewerker
Person: Support Staff
Marc Stuart
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute - Technicus O&O-gebonden - profiel O
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Stratingh Institute for Chemistry - Technicus O&O-gebonden - profiel O
Person: Support Staff
Roshan Mohamed Yunus, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Product Technology - Promovendus
Person: Scientific Staff
Henry de Vries, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Micromechanics - Externe medewerker
Person: Scientific Staff
Marleen Kamperman
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Polymer Science - Hoogleraar
Person: Scientific Staff