6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Shu Xie with the persons below:
Joshua Lambert, MSc
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Etienne group - Theoretical and Evolutionary Community Ecology - Guest researcher
Person: Scientific Staff
Rampal Etienne
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Etienne group - Theoretical and Evolutionary Community Ecology - Professor
- Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Person: Scientific Staff
Luis Lima Valente, PhD
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Etienne group - Theoretical and Evolutionary Community Ecology - Affiliate associate professor
Person: Scientific Staff
Raphaël Scherrer
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Etienne group - Theoretical and Evolutionary Community Ecology - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Fontaine lab - Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics - PhD student
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Van Doorn group - Evolutionary Systems Biology - PhD student
Person: Scientific Staff