Activities per year
- 34 results
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(Ne) bis in idem. New evidence from the Basilica cum scholiis relating to an already refuted hypothesis concerning C. 1,1-13
van Bochove, T. (Invited speaker)
21-Feb-2024Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
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Constitutions, omitted Justinian code and thematic codification. Prohibiting the Alienation of Ecclesiastical Immovable Property: Some Legal Complexities
van Bochove, T. (Invited speaker)
9-Dec-2024Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
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Nov. Iust. 8 Iusiurandum. Work in Progress
van Bochove, T. (Speaker)
9-Feb-2024Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Loyalty Oaths in the Roman, Byzantine and Early Islamicate Legal Spheres
van Bochove, T. (Attendee)
10-Jul-2023Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Loyalty Oaths in the Roman, Byzantine and Early Islamicate Legal Spheres
van Bochove, T. (Attendee)
27-Nov-2023Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Universal Validity without Exclusivity? Some Observations on Justinian's Novel 7
van Bochove, T. (Keynote speaker)
19-Jun-2023Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
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Symposium on Byzantine Law
van Bochove, T. (Attendee)
25-May-2022Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Tradurre i Libri Basilicorum / Close encounter with the Basilica cum scholiis
van Bochove, T. (Speaker)
2-May-2022Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
WHAT IS (NOT) ON THE MAP. A booby trap and hidden gems in the garden of Byzantine secular law
van Bochove, T. (Invited speaker)
3-May-2022Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
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Workshop de droit byzantin
van Bochove, T. (Attendee)
12-Nov-2021Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Tesserae Iuris (Journal)
Bochove, van, T. (Editorial board member)
2020 → …Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
Byzantinische Zeitschrift (Journal)
Bochove, van, T. (Peer reviewer)
Nov-2020Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Peer-review › Academic
Subseciva Groningana (Journal)
Bochove, van, T. (Editorial board member)
2019 → …Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
22-Aug-2016Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Colloque International "Le Latin à Byzance, ca. 400-800"
Bochove, van, T. (Attendee)
28-Jun-2016Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
Diccionario Jurídico Bizantino Griego-Español. Sobre la base de la Introducción al derecho del patriarca Focio y de las Novelas de León VI el Sabio. Asesoramiento = Legal Dictionary Byzantine Greek - Spanish. On the basis of the Patriarch Photius' Introduction to the Law (Eisagoge tou nomou) and the Novels of Leo VI the Wise - Granada: Editorial Comares, 2019 - ISBN 978-84-9045-789-4 (Colección Derecho Romano y Ciencia Jurídica Europea. Sección NEXUM, vol. 12), ed. J. Signes Codoñer, J.-D. Rodríguez Martín, F.J. Andrés Santos
Bochove, van, T. (Advisor)
2016 → 2019Activity: External assignment (consultancy, apppointment, outreach) › Consultancy › Academic
Giornate di studio IL LATINO A BISANZIO / LATIN IN BYZANTIUM, CA. 400–800 AD
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
7-May-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Prochiron / Eisagoge: Die Datierungskontroverse
Bochove, van, T. (Attendee)
23-Apr-2014Activity: Organising and attending an event › Attending an event › Academic
H.J. Scheltema - Symposium on Byzantine Law
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
23-Jun-2014Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Societas Graeca et Latina
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
28-Mar-2013Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Ausprägungen von Zentralität in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter. Normative und räumliche Dimensionen
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
7-Jun-2012 → 9-Jun-2012Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
The Transmission of Byzantine Texts, between Textual Criticism and Quellenforschung. Rhetoric – Philosophy – Law – Historiography
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
2-Feb-2012 → 4-Feb-2012Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Symposium ter gelegenheid van de presentatie van de nieuwe Groningse editie van Theophilus' Griekse Parafrase van de Instituten van keizer Justinianus
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
25-Jan-2010Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Pro Excolendo Iure Patrio (External organisation)
Bochove, van, T. (Member)
2010 → …Activity: Membership › Academic
Subseciva Groningana (Journal)
Bochove, van, T. (Guest editor)
2009 → …Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
VII Collegio di Diritto Romano: Introduzione al diritto bizantino (da Giustiniano ai Basilici), Gennaio 2009
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
21-Jan-2009Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Societas Graeca et Latina
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
22-Feb-2007Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Symposium Byzantinisches Recht
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
10-Jun-2004Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
32. Deutsche Rechtshistorikertag
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
21-Sept-1998Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Societas Graeca et Latina
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
30-Oct-1997Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Landelijk rechtshistorisch AIO-congres ‘Spieghel van het Regt’, georganiseerd door het rechtshistorisch dispuut ‘De Vierschaar’
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
21-Apr-1994Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Research meeting Byzantine Law, Department of Legal History
Bochove, van, T. (Speaker)
20-Apr-1993Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Research meeting Byzantine Law, Department of Legal History
Bochove, van, T. (Speaker)
26-Mar-1993Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Société Internationale Fernande de Visscher pour l'Histoire des Droits de l'Antiquité (SIHDA)
Bochove, van, T. (Invited speaker)
26-Sept-1992Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic