Activities per year
- 35 results
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Journal of Materials Science & Technology (Journal)
Pei, Y. (Editorial board member)
Jan-2017 → 31-Dec-2020Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
Carbon (Journal)
Pei, Y. (Peer reviewer)
1-Jan-2017 → 31-Dec-2017Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Peer-review › Academic
Hard-yet-tough high vanadium high speed steel composite coating in-situ alloyed on ductile iron by atmospheric plasma arc
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
21-Jun-2017 → 23-Jun-2017Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
8th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Material and Contact Characterisation
Pei, Y. (Member of scientific committee)
17-Jun-2017 → 23-Jun-2017Activity: Organising and attending an event › Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
Microstructure control of magnetron sputtered nanocomposite films: from dynamic roughening to dynamic smoothening
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
17-Oct-2017 → 20-Oct-2017Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering
Pei, Y. (Visiting lecturer)
16-Oct-2017 → 17-Oct-2017Activity: Visiting an external institution › Academic
Masaryk Univ, Masaryk University Brno
Pei, Y. (Visiting lecturer)
8-Sept-2017 → 13-Sept-2017Activity: Visiting an external institution › Academic
Journal of Materials Science & Technology (Journal)
Pei, Y. (Editorial board member)
1-Jan-2016 → 31-Dec-2016Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
ThinFilm 2016
Pei, Y. (Member of scientific committee)
12-Jul-2016 → 15-Jul-2016Activity: Organising and attending an event › Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
Contact and Surface 2015
Pei, Y. (Member of scientific committee)
20-May-2015 → 23-May-2015Activity: Organising and attending an event › Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
Materials 2015
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
23-Apr-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
12th International conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Surface and Contact Mechanics
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
21-Apr-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
7th International Conference on Innovations in Thin Films Processing and Characterization
Pei, Y. (Keynote speaker)
17-Nov-2015 → 20-Nov-2015Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Journal of Materials Science & Technology (Journal)
Pei, Y. (Editorial board member)
Sept-2014 → …Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
Contact and Surface 2013
Pei, Y. (Member of scientific committee)
5-Jun-2013 → 7-Jun-2013Activity: Organising and attending an event › Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
11th Int. Conf. Surface Effects & Contact Mechanics
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
5-Jun-2013 → 7-Jun-2013Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Growth behavior and microstructure control of magnetron sputtered nanocomposite films
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
9-Jan-2012Activity: Talk and presentation › Professional or public presentation › Professional
Masaryk University
Pei, Y. (Visiting researcher)
Jul-2012 → Jun-2017Activity: Visiting an external institution › Academic
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Pei, Y. (Visiting researcher)
Nov-2012 → …Activity: Visiting an external institution › Academic
E-MRS Spring 2012
Pei, Y. (Member of scientific committee)
14-May-2012 → 18-May-2012Activity: Organising and attending an event › Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
10th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
8-Dec-2011 → 9-Dec-2011Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
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Pei, Y. (Keynote speaker)
14-Nov-2011 → 17-Nov-2011Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
10th International Conference on Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
21-Sept-2011 → 23-Sept-2011Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Contact and Surface 2011
Pei, Y. (Member of scientific committee)
21-Sept-2011 → 23-Sept-2100Activity: Organising and attending an event › Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
6th International Conference on Advanced Materials Processing
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
19-Jul-2010 → 23-Jul-2010Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
18th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-18)
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
23-Aug-2010 → 27-Aug-2010Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
Pei, Y. (Keynote speaker)
13-Sept-2010 → 17-Sept-2010Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
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9th Int Conf Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
9-Jun-2009 → 11-Jun-2009Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
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Contact and Surface 2009
Pei, Y. (Member of scientific committee)
9-Jun-2009 → 11-Jun-2009Activity: Organising and attending an event › Organising and contributing to an event › Academic
Dag van de Oppervlaktetechnologie
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
12-Nov-2009Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
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8th International Conference on Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
16-May-2007 → 18-May-2007Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic
Scripta Materialia (Journal)
Pei, Y. (Editor)
1-Jul-2006 → 30-Jun-2011Activity: Peer-review and editorial work › Editorial work › Academic
7th International Conference on Computer Methods and Experimental Measurements for Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics
Pei, Y. (Invited speaker)
5-Sept-2005 → 7-Sept-2005Activity: Talk and presentation › Academic presentation › Academic