Dudoc-Alfa Research Grant

  • Bloemert, Jasmijn (Recipient)

Prize: Other distinctionAcademic


Dudoc-Alfa is a joint programme of the Faculties of Humanities and Arts of seven Dutch research universities (University of Groningen, University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam, Leiden University, Utrecht University, Radboud University Nijmegen, and the Open University of the Netherlands), sponsored by the Dutch ministry of Education, Culture and Science, that enables teachers and teacher educators to pursue a PhD in the field of Humanities and Arts. Each recipient is required to focus on their school subject (Latin and Ancient Greek, foreign languages, Dutch, history, culture studies, religion studies, philosophy, or music education) and to make a significant contribution to subject pedagogy within their chosen field.
Granting Organisationshttp://vakdidactiekgw.nl/dudoc-alfa/


  • research
  • grant
