Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively › Academic
In spite of the potential importance of India for Europe, the European research community’s expertise on India is weak, with a shortage of PhDs in this area and with few modules on India being taught on either undergraduate or postgraduate programmes. The network is participating in the creation of the knowledge and expertise required for the EU’s engagement with the new global India. It brings together six leading European universities, with six leading Indian universities, and six non-university partners (one as a beneficiary) to develop an integrated, multi-disciplinary and inter-sectoral PhD programme. The programme strategy is to provide an integrated training programme that develops research skills along with complementary skills associated with an awareness of the needs of potential non-academic employers and the capacity to translate information and analysis into a variety of forms to suit the needs of a range of recipients. It also aims to make researchers culturally aware and adaptable both in terms of their capacity to move between India and Europe and also to move between different work environments. This will provide researchers with a set of transferable skills that can be adapted to other regional contexts and global relationships.