Inclusion of book 'Professionalization and Participation in Child and Youth Care' in Routledge Hall of Fame: the Routledge Revivals Series - 2017

  • Knorth, Erik (Recipient), van den Bergh, Peter M. (Recipient) & Verheij, Fop (Recipient)

Prize: National/international honourAcademic


Rationale for inclusion of a publication in the prestigious Routledge Revivals Series by the awarding company: "Are there elusive titles that you need and have been trying to source for years but thought that you would never be able to find? Well this may be the end of your quest – here is a fantastic opportunity for you to discover past brilliance and purchase previously out of print and unavailable titles by some of the world’s most eminent academic scholars. Drawing from over 100 years of innovative, cutting-edge, publishing Routledge Revivals is an exciting new programme whereby key titles from the distinguished and extensive backlist of the many acclaimed imprints associated with Routledge will be re-issued" (see:
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsRoutledge Academic Publishing Company
