The NVBMB prize is handed out since 1981 to give recognition to the work of a highly talented young independent biochemist or molecular biologist working in the Netherlands. The prize amounts to €2000 and includes additional funds to organize a one-day scientific meeting on a topic that meets the field of interest of the candidate. An overview of previous winners is listed on the right.
Nominees for the NVBMB prize need to have at least two years of post-doctoral experience with preferable experience abroad. Nominations are judged on scientific quality, publication track record, productivity, creativity, and international experience and visibility.
Nominations for the NVBMB prize 2020 should be sent by email to the secretary of the NVBMB, dr. Hugo van Ingen (
[email protected]) before December 31st, 2019. Nominations should include a brief CV, publication list, and a brief description of the scientific achievements (max one page). Nominations are judged by an independent jury on the criteria mentioned above. The selected winner will beinformed in the first quarter of the new year. The winner is expected to organize a one-day meeting in the fall of that year on the topic of his or her interest.
The 2020 NVBMB prize has been awarded to Dr. Cristina Paulino of the University of Groningen. Dr. Paulino received a PhD Fellowship from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation FCT in 2009 to pursue her PhD studies at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt, Germany, in the field of structural biology. She obtained her PhD degree (summa cum laude) in 2014, and then moved to the University of Zürich, Switzerland, for postdoctoral research on membrane channels and transporters. She was appointed as assistant professor in electron microscopy at the University of Groningen in 2017, where she now has a successful research group, and heads the cryo-electron microscopy facility.
Supported by Veni and Start-up grants from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), Dr. Paulino uses her background in structural biology and membrane transport biophysics in a highly original line of research, focused on obtaining structural and mechanistic insights in membrane proteins using the technique of single particle cryo-electron microscopy. She focusses on hybrids between membrane transporters and channels, many of which are potential drug targets. In addition, Dr. Paulino studies the interplay between lipids and membrane proteins, an often-neglected area.
The jury rates Dr. Paulino as a very talented structural biologist with an excellent track record and international reputation. The jury also was impressed by Dr. Paulino’s outreach activities to support women in science.
Cristina Paulino will organize the 2020 NVBMB fall meeting. Check this site for updates.
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