Publieksprijs fotowedstrijd 'Portrait your Research', PhD Day Groningen 2018

  • Kamp, Marjon (Recipient)



Microscopic roses

Researcher: Marjon Kamp

This picture shows the aggregation pattern with swirls of migrating cells of the social amoeba Dictyostelium. The cells contain a red fluorescent marker in their cytoplasm, while their cytoskeleton (actin) has a green fluorescent marker. The image was made with a Zeiss confocal microscope.
In our research we investigate mutant Dictyostelium cells that are defective in cell-cell communication or cell movement. Here we made a mutant missing one gene encoding the protein LrrA. The mutant has difficulties to aggregate. In this experiment we wanted to know whether wild-type (normal) cells can help mutant cells to join the aggregate. We mixed wild-type and mutant cells in in a 80:20 ratio. The wild-type cells do not contain fluorescence markers and can only be seen vaguely in black and white. The mutant cells contain a red fluorescent marker in their cytoplasm, while their cytoskeleton (actin) has a green fluorescent marker. With this experiment we were able to tell when and where the mutant cells end up when forming aggregates. The picture you see on the canvas was taken shortly after this movie ended in the same area.
Degree of recognitionRegional
Granting OrganisationsPhD Day Groningen 2017
