The Georges Allaert Award

  • Tan, Wendy (Recipient)



    The NICIS KEI dissertation “Pursuing Transit Oriented Development” from Wendy Tan and the publication “Knooppuntontwikkeling in Nederland” produced with Platform31 has just been awarded the first ever Georges Allaert prize. The Georges Allaert Prize is awarded by the Stichting MORO (The Centre for mobility and spatial planning (AMRP) at Ghent University) and Joke Schauvliege, the Flemish Minister for Town and Country Planning, Environment and Nature during the reception of the Studiedag IDM held on the 11th of December in Ghent, Belgium. Both the doctoraal dissertation and the publication have been judged by a prestigious jury to be the most policy relevant contribution to integration of mobility and spatial planning for the society.
    Granting OrganisationsStichting MORO
