(001)-Oriented Sr:HfO2 Ferroelectric Films Deposited by a Flexible Chemical Solution Method

Miguel Badillo, Sepide Taleb, Brenda Carreno Jimenez, Taraneh Mokabber, Rebeca Castanedo Pérez, Gerardo Torres-Delgado, Beatriz Noheda*, Mónica Acuautla*

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Remnant polarization values of ferroelectric HfO2-based films depend on proper control of the polar orthorhombic phase crystallization and the orientation of the polar domains. Most of the best quality films reported so far are (111)-oriented. While the largest polarization is expected in (001)-oriented films, with the polar axis out of the plane, such orientation is far less common. This paper demonstrates that highly (001)/(010)-oriented heterostructures of Sr:HfO2 on Pt(111)-buffered Si can be attained in layered films deposited by a recently reported chemical solution deposition route. The oriented films display the short c-axis out of plane, giving place to a longer a lattice in plane. By tailoring the duration of rapid thermal processing, such oriented films produce highly ferroelectric, leakage-free capacitors. After wake-up cycling, a remnant polarization of 17 μC/cm2, which is the highest reported for this dopant and technique, was achieved. Even though optimization is still needed to improve the electrical cyclability, our facile approach produces high-k, highly oriented Sr:HfO2 films, through chemical deposition and annealing, and shows that the crystal orientations and phase purity of HfO2-based films can be further optimized by cost-effective chemical methods.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1809-1820
Number of pages12
JournalAcs applied electronic materials
Issue number3
Early online date12-Mar-2024
Publication statusPublished - 26-Mar-2024


  • (001)-oriented HfO
  • fatigue
  • ferroelectric hafnium oxide
  • phase transition
  • wake-up


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