A Parechovirus Type 3 Infection with a Presumed Intrauterine Onset: A Poor Neurodevelopmental Outcome

Sahar Salavati*, Masoud Salavati, Maraike A Coenen, Hendrik J Ter Horst, Arend F Bos

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

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Parechovirus type 3 (HPeV-3) infection is an important cause of illness in neonates. We present the first case of an infant with a HPeV-3 meningoencephalitis which presumably commenced in utero. Severe developmental delay was seen. In the case of inexplicable neonatal meningoencephalitis, an intrauterine onset of HPeV-3 infection might be the cause.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)658-662
Number of pages5
Issue number5
Early online date2-Sept-2020
Publication statusPublished - Jan-2021


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