Aansprakelijkheid voor aardbevingsschade: een rechtseconomische analyse

Translated title of the contribution: Liability for earthquake damage: a law and economics analysis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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A law and economics perspective requires the maximum variant of damage compensation for a correct internalization of the earthquake costs. After all, victims were unable to take measures to limit this damage. Firstly, this means that all relevant future earthquake costs must be reimbursed. Secondly, this creates an economically correct incentive for parties involved in extraction and exploitation to take the total social costs into account. Thirdly, this form of compensation sends the important signal to citizens that they know their interests will be respected. Although damage compensation policy has improved in recent years, there is still no economically required maximum variant of compensation yet.
Translated title of the contribution Liability for earthquake damage: a law and economics analysis
Original languageDutch
Title of host publicationJuridische aspecten van gaswinning
Subtitle of host publicationeen ‘Groningse’ verkenning
Place of PublicationDeventer
PublisherWolters Kluwer
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9789013153699
ISBN (Print)9789013153682
Publication statusPublished - 1-Sept-2019

Publication series

NameMonografieën privaatrecht
PublisherWolters Kluwer
ISSN (Print)1573-9791


  • damage compensation
  • earthquake costs
  • social costs
  • economic incentives
  • law and economics


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