Accessibility of shared space for visually impaired persons: A comparative field study

Else Havik, Franciscus J.J.M. Steyvers, Aart Kooijman, Bart Melis

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    Shared Space is a concept that comprises the design and planning process of a public space. There are concerns about the accessibility of Shared Spaces for people who are visually impaired. In a comparative field study, the wayfinding performance of 25 visually impaired persons (VIPs) was observed while they carried out standardized tasks in two Shared-Space locations and two conventionally designed settings. The tasks were followed by interviews regarding the participants’ experiences. In Shared-Space locations, more time was needed to complete routes and the blind participants in particular were less independent compared to conventional locations. The Shared-Space locations were evaluated more negatively than the conventional locations. The most salient
    problems encountered in Shared Space were related to orientation. The results clearly confirm how complex navigating a Shared Space can be for VIPs, albeit not to the same extent for all individuals and for all locations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)96-110
    Number of pages15
    JournalBritish Journal of Visual Impairment
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - May-2015


    • Accessibility, mobility, orientation, shared space, visually impaired


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