Aim and Design of pREGnant, the Dutch Pregnancy Drug Register

Saskia Vorstenbosch, Bernke te Winkel, Marleen M. H. J. van Gelder, Agnes Kant, Nel Roeleveld, Eugène van Puijenbroek

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Information on the safety of medication use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is scarce, yet use of medication among pregnant and breastfeeding women is widespread. The pREGnant, the Dutch Pregnancy Drug Register, was set up to obtain insight into medication use among pregnant and breastfeeding women and potential effects on maternal and fetal/infant health. The systematically documented, good quality data on medication use during pregnancy and lactation in pREGnant will be used in signal detection, epidemiologic studies and counseling of healthcare providers and patients. The register has a prospective cohort design. The population is derived from pregnant women throughout the Netherlands. Data collection started in April 2014 and enrollment of women is continuous and is characterized by a relative high proportion of women born in the Netherlands with a high education compared with the general Dutch pregnant population. Data on current pregnancy, obstetric history, maternal lifestyle, health and medication use, delivery, and infant health are collected through web-based questionnaires completed by the participating women (three times during pregnancy and three times during the infant's first year of life). If permission is given, the self-reported data can be complemented with information retrieved from Perined, the perinatal registry of the Netherlands, and from obstetric and medical records, and/or pharmacy records. Here, we provide detailed information on the design of the pREGnant, the Dutch Pregnancy Drug Register, as well as descriptive information on characteristics of the participants so far. Currently, steps are being taken to implement the register on a large scale in the Netherlands.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalDrug Safety
Issue number1
Early online date24-Sept-2018
Publication statusPublished - Jan-2019


  • AGE


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