Algemeen werkzame factoren in groepsgerichte opvoedingsondersteuning: Ervaringen van ouders, vrijwilligers en jeugdprofessionals

Rosanne Spruijt, Annelies Kassenberg*, Dorien Petri, Jolanda Tuinstra, Jeannette Doornenbal

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    Some parents encounter an accumulation of circumstances in their lives which negatively influence
    their wellbeing, such as debts, health problems and unemployment. For these parents, it can be
    difficult to focus on parenting. They can benefit from parenting support: preventive activities
    aimed at increasing parenting competences, ultimately improving parenting situations. This
    article concerns the common factors in group based parenting support, that according to parents,
    volunteers, and youth professionals contribute to empowerment of parents and formation of
    supportive networks, and the role youth professionals and volunteers play in this process.
    A participatory narrative study design was employed. After analyzing experiences of those
    involved, three substantive common factors were identified: (1) exchanging and learning,
    (2) meeting and supporting, and (3) unwinding and recharging. The study also identified three procedural common factors, namely (4) professional skills of youth professionals and volunteers,
    (5) structure, and (6) group dynamics. This study suggests these six common factors together
    contribute to parents experiencing reinforced parenting roles and supportive networks
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)22-43
    Number of pages22
    JournalJournal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 11-Feb-2021

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