Aluminium tolerance of Mucuna: A tropical leguminous cover crop

Kurniatun Hairiah

    Research output: ThesisThesis fully internal (DIV)

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    In the humid tropics leaching of N and other nutrients to the subsoil may occur throughout the growing season. Typically, soils in this zone have a low soil pH, a high Al saturation of the cation exchange complex and low levels of Ca and P in the subsoil. Efficiency of N-use under such conditions generally is very low, due to a combination of high leaching rates and shallow root development. The ability to develop a deep root system is important in this sítuation for recovery of nutrients leached early on. ... Zie: Summary
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    • Kuiper, Pieter, Supervisor
    Award date9-Nov-1992
    Print ISBNs9090055010
    Publication statusPublished - 9-Nov-1992


    • Proefschriften (vorm)
    • Tolerantie (biologie)
    • Mucuna pruriens, Voedingsstoffen, Aluminium ,
    • plantenfysiologie


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