APOLLO: neo-adjuvant pembrolizumab for primary vulvar squamous cell carcinoma-a multicenter, single-arm, phase II, clinical proof-of-concept study

M I E van Poelgeest, Kim E Kortekaas, Helena C van Doorn, Maaike Oonk, Hans W Nijman, Ingrid Boere, Anneke L Eerkens, Anna K.L. Reyners, Patricia C Ewing-Graham, Joost Bart, Tjalling Bosse, Marij J P Welters, Judith R Kroep, Sjoerd H van der Burg*

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BACKGROUND: Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma (VSCC) is a rare cancer for which the cornerstone of treatment is surgery with high complication rates. The unmet need is a less radical and more effective treatment for VSCC.

PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: To investigate the impact of mono-immunotherapy pembrolizumab as neoadjuvant treatment for primary resectable VSCC patients.

STUDY HYPOTHESIS: Some primary VSCC patients display a specific immune profile which is associated with better survival. In other tumors, this profile is associated with a better response to programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) checkpoint blockade which may reinvigorate tumor-specific T cells. This potentially results in a reduced tumor load and less radical surgery and/or adjuvant treatment in patients with this immune profile.

TRIAL DESIGN: This is an investigator-initiated, prospective, single arm, multicenter, phase II clinical trial.

INCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients with VSCC clinical stage International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) I-III (2021) eligible for primary surgery, with at least one measurable lesion of at least one dimension ≥10 mm in the largest diameter, are included in this study.

MAIN EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients not suitable for surgery and/or previously treated with immunomodulatory agents, and/or who suffer from comorbidities that may interfere with PD-1 blockade, are excluded from the study.

ENDPOINTS: The clinical efficacy of neoadjuvant pembrolizumab in VSCC is measured by an objective change in tumor size according to the Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors version 1.1 (RECIST 1.1) and documented by calipers using standardized digital photography with a reference ruler. In addition, the activation, proliferation, and migration of T cells in the tumor will be studied. The secondary endpoints are pathological complete responses at the time of surgery, feasibility, and safety.

SAMPLE SIZE: 40 patients with FIGO I-III (2021) primary VSCC will be enrolled.

ESTIMATED DATES FOR COMPLETING ACCRUAL AND PRESENTING RESULTS: The intervention phase started in July 2023 and will continue until July 2025. The expected completion of the entire study is July 2026.


Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 23-Jun-2024


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