Asynchronous Session-Based Concurrency: Deadlock-freedom in Cyclic Process Networks

Bas van den Heuvel, Jorge A. Pérez

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We tackle the challenge of ensuring the deadlock-freedom property for message-passing processes that communicate asynchronously in cyclic process networks. Our contributions are twofold. First, we present Asynchronous Priority-based Classical Processes (APCP), a session-typed process framework that supports asynchronous communication, delegation, and recursion in cyclic process networks. Building upon the Curry-Howard correspondences between linear logic and session types, we establish essential meta-theoretical results for APCP, most notably deadlock freedom. Second, we present a new concurrent λ
-calculus with asynchronous session types, dubbed LASTn. We illustrate LASTn by example and establish its meta-theoretical results; in particular, we show how to soundly transfer the deadlock-freedom guarantee from APCP. To this end, we develop a translation of terms in LASTn into processes in APCP that satisfies a strong formulation of operational correspondence.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6:1-6:103
Number of pages103
JournalLogical Methods in Computer Science
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 7-Oct-2024


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